Chapter 34

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Holy shit guys, #1 in romanxvirgil!!!

Trigger Warnings: alcohol, swearing, mention of murder, drinking, mention of sex

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Trigger Warnings: alcohol, swearing, mention of murder, drinking, mention of sex.

Word Count: 1071

"A toast!" Roman calls for, holding up his glass of whiskey. "To us, the gayest bitches alive!"

"Here here!" Virgil cheers along with everyone else.

"For not only clearing the name of our duke and his snake," Janus hisses at him, "but for yet again taking the heat of our murder!"

"To Specs!" Virgil takes up. "For being a goddamn good lawyer!"


"To Thomas, you're the best bitch a bunch of bitches like us could hope for," Remy cheers, leaning heavily on Emile.

"Thanks Remy," Thomas laughs.

"Here's to actually surviving this long!" Janus toasts, somehow not completely out of it, despite his glass never staying empty for long.

"Hell yeah!" they cheer.

Soon enough, Virgil gets the remote and turns on the first Thor movie. Immediately Remus wolf whistles. "Aw yeah, the hottest Chis' movie," he says.

"For once you have taste," Roman agrees.

"Alright kiddos, I'll make some popcorn. Logie and Vee, salted right?"

"You know me so well," Logan mutters lovingly.

"And Em, Dee, Roman, the carme stuff right?"

"Yessssssss," Janus draws out. "It should be in the pantry."

"And Remus and Thomas, you get the buttery ones."

"Thanks Pat!!" Thomas says.

When Patton has everything ready Virgil goes back to bring everything over. In that time, Remus seems to have dared Logan to take shots with him, and now Logan is most definitely black out drunk because he's getting flirty with Patton.

"Hey there darling," he drawls when Patton walks in as Virgl sits himself in Roman's lap.

"Hiya dear," Patton says, handing out the popcorn bowls.

"Are you a star because you're radiant," Logan flirts, gazing at his boyfriend. Patton giggles as they watch. Virgil can see Janus and Remy filming, probably for blackmail purposes.

"Well aren't you sweet like sugar," Patton shoots back.

"If I'm sugar and you are the sun, then I'd burn when you come close. But I'd risk it all just to bask in your radiance."

"Daaaamn that's smooth," Virgil whispers under his breath, watching Patton turn pink.

"Aw honey, I'd turn off my light just so you wouldn't get harmed."

"Your fire may go out but the light that shines from your heart can never be extinguished."

"Charmer," Patton squeaks out, blushing heavily now.

"Maybe, but you are the one who charmed my heart and my soul, and I'd give you more if you but asked."

"Holy shit," Emile stage whispers.

"Why would I ask if your love is all I need?" Patton eventually replies with.

"Because you are my god and gods are meant to be worshipped."

Patton looks like he's about to self combust with how red he is. "I'm no god," he argues weakly.

"A god is some thing or person you believe in and place your trust in. I place all my trust and belief in you, therefore how could you not be a god?"

"Someone help, Logan just got hot all of a sudden," Remus mutters.

"Oh hush," Janus snaps. "Pat's about to stop working and I am not missing that."

Virgil looks over at Roman, who's shoveling popcorn into his mouth.

"This is better than Dear Dead Lover," Thomas whispers to Remy.

"I don't know, the way Ben wrote poetry about Mike was really sweet," Emile argues.

"Yeah but the twist that Mike wasn't dead, just in a coma, is definitely better than watching Pat stop processing the worl-"

"Then sweetheart you are my god," Patton interrupts, finally out of his shock. "For you I would walk through fire and across the Artic."

"I would sacrifice every star in the sky if it meant your survival," Logan replies. He doesn't give Patton a chance to come up with something else, because he kisses him. Then he collapses, passing out from the alcohol.

Patton chuckles. "I'll get him to bed." As soon as Patton leaves with the unconscious Logan, Virgil asks, "you got all of that, right?"

"Oh yeah," Remy says with a smirk.

"This is going to be blackmail for years," Janus whispers reverently to his phone.

"All in favor of playing it at their wedding say aye," Thomas asks.

"Aye," they all say.

"We can never let him forget this," Remus cackles, watching from Janus' shoulder.

"Emmy?" Remy asks, shaking his fiancé.


"Okay, time for bed," Remy says, standing up.

"Wha? No no, you hang out with them, I'll be-" Emile almost falls as soon as he stands up.

"I need to sleep too, this is gonna be a killer hangover," Remy groans as he and Emile walk out. "See ya bitches in the morning."

Virgil looks over at Thomas, who's awake but groaning as he processes Remy's statement. "Ugh he's right, we should stop before the hangover gets any worse."

"You're probably right, c'mon Princey," Virgil mutters, standing up.

Roman whines. "Nooooo I wanna stay here where it's warm!"

Virgil sighs. If he doesn't get Roman up soon, they'll end up sleeping on the couch. "You can cuddle all you want?" he offers.

"Sold!" Roman squeals, shooting up before wobbling around. "Oh hey no, why's the world spinning?"

"Uh, you need Virge?" Thomas asks.

"I should be okay." He looks over at Janus, who's in a bridal carry as Remus smirks down at him.

"No sex in the bedrooms!" Janus warns them as Remus walks down the hall towards their bedroom.

"Like I'd have sex anywhere near you!" Virgil fires back, suppressing a laugh. Then he turns to Thomas. "Need any help?"

"I kinda feel like the world's going to fast, could you maybe just, help me to my room?"

"Of course." So Virgil gets Thomas to his room, then gets himself and Roman to their room. A drunk and pretty out of it Roman is difficult to work with, but Virgil manages to get him into pajamas and remove any makeup he has on. He decides to skip the whole tooth brushing thing and skin care routine because he has no idea what Roman would do, because he has a very, very complex system for his teeth and skin care. Instead, he just gets them both into the bed and passes out. 

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