Chapter 60

45 8 22

Trigger Warning: fighting, bets

Word Count: 1178

Their audience cheers and Patton can hear the twins wolf whistling at them, but all he can see is his glowing husband (husband!!!). Logan grabs his hand and leads him down the aisle towards the tent set up near. "You look beautiful," he whispers.

Patton giggles. "Awwww thank you!! You do too, I mean that skirt!" His cheeks ache a little but he just can't stop beaming as his husband's blush and soft smile. "It turned out wonderfully!"

"Thank you," Logan says. "It took some time but I'm in love with the design."

"More constellation patterned ties and suits then," Patton muses. "Do they let you go to court in a patterned suit?"

"I don't think so love."

"Hmm, well we're still getting one for you. If anything, it'll be perfect for Dee's wedding," Patton decides as they enter the tent. "I mean, as long as you're okay with that of course!"

Logan stops them to gently kiss Patton's cheek. "I'd love to wear a suit with constellations on it love." Patton giggles and blushes as they take their seats at the front table, the others following as guests pour into the tent and take their seats as well.

"Who bet they wouldn't use their speeches?" Emile asks.

"Everyone won the bet that Patton wouldn't," Remy says, pulling out a tally board from his jacket, "but Virgil and Janus are the only ones who thought Logan wouldn't so the money goes to them." Sighs echo around the table as they pull out dollars and hand them to the two winners.

"Did you seriously bet on our speeches?" Logan asks, exasperated.

Patton laughs as his family nods. "To be fair, that does sound like something you'd do."

"I know," Logan sighs. "How much was the bet for?"

"Twenty per person," Remus replies, absent-mindedly sharpening the knife by his plate.

"And Remy kept track of everything," Roman grouches. "And pocketed a fee. A fee!"

"Hey, what can I say," Remy says, shrugging, "I gotta make a living."

"You're literally a well-known somnologist who makes enough to go to France for a week as a vacation," Virgil points out.

"So?" Remy laughs. "I like extorting you guys. Besides, I gave you the family discount."

"The family discount is five dollars higher than with friends," Emile stage whispers.

"Well thank the gods that we're considered family," Janus quips. "I can't imagine how hard it must be to bet with you as a friend."

"Exactly, you should be grateful!" Remy jokes, sliding his sunglasses up higher on his nose. Patton just smiles as they bicker, leaning on Logan's shoulder contently.

"Should I go ask they bring the food out now?" his husband asks.

"Probably, I think they're about to start fighting with the silverware," Patton whispers, staring at Roman and Remy who are pointing at their husbands and arguing over who got the cuter one. Logan laughs and lightly kisses him on the lips before standing up and moving over towards one of the attendants.

The food comes soon after, thankfully preventing a mini fight between Roman and Remy. The two are good friends, but they're also easy to get into fights with the other. Patton glances over at the guests. They look to be okay, many groups laughing and talking with each other, Thomas and Nico sharing their food with each other.

"Alright, place your bets on if Remus and Jan are going to get married before or after Thomas and Nico," Remy says, looking at the cute couple as well.

"Me and Ree," Janus decides, taking a bite. "Ten bucks."

"You two were supposed to be married by now twice over, so I'm placing my bet on Thomas and Nico," Logan says. "Ten dollars."

"I'll have to disagree with you Lo," Patton chimes in. "Ten bucks on Jan and Ree."

"Same," Virgil says. "You'd get married in a courthouse before Thomas and Nico just to say you did," he adds, staring Remus down, who looks innocently at him while drinking from a wine bottle.

"I agree with Vee, Jan's petty like that," Roman says.

"Same, we'd definitely do that," Remus giggles.

"I think Thomas and Nico will get married before you two," Emile decides. "They've been going strong for a bit now, and with work plus Dee's injury, it's honestly more likely."

"We are not going to be the last ones married!" Janus protests. "We've been stopped twice now, and I'm not letting that happen again. Remus?"

"Yeah I don't care how we do it, but we're getting married before Thomathy," Remus says. "There's ten bucks and my snake's honor on the line!"

"Hey, everyone's finishing their food, I think it's time for speeches!" Patton interjects, trying to break it up before Remus decides he and Janus have to get married right now. "Um, who'd like to go first?"

"I'm going!" Remy yells, jumping up. "Alright everyone, listen up because I've got words to say about these two lovebirds." Conversations stop and the guests turn to look at Remy. "Firstly, Logan. He was a nerd from the moment I knew him and he still is, only the adorable clip on bowtie he used to wear is now an actual tie and he admits that he likes the stars now. Point is, he's always been pretty married to his work, be it school work or like, work work, but Patton has always been able to reach him when sometimes his friends couldn't. As for Patton, well this is gonna shock everyone but Patton was also always an adorable bean, but when we were kids it was to hide his pain, and now it's because it's who he is. And you know who helped PAt with that? Logan. So here's to you two idiots in love, I'm glad you guys finally got married because you two deserve a happy ending. Cheers!" He holds up his cup and drinks, everyone else doing the same.

"Okay um," Roman says, getting half pushed out of his chair by Virgil, "I guess I'll go? I've known Logan since we were six, and I was kind of a jerk back in then, but Logan called me out a lot," he snorts at the memory, "and we weren't friends exactly, but we did eventually get closer. Logan still calls me out on my bullshit and I still drag him away from his Sherlock fanfic for worldbuilding help for my scripts, so we must be pretty cool with each other, right?" the crowd laughs and Roman smiles. "And of course, I met Patton when we are seven, and we hit it off right away. But, little known fact, Logan and Patton didn't become real friends until middle school. These two are like polar opposites and it was even worse in school. But those two warmed up to each other and now look at them, married. So guys, I'm really happy to see you two married, especially after everything that's happened to get you here. May you live long and wonderful lives together. Cheers!"

When You're Broken On The GroundOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz