Chapter 1

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Hey, so this is me, the author! 

Quick note: I probably won't update much, school is a student murder. I'll probably post a chapter per week to two weeks. If I ever write a trigger I will definitely post it before each chapter in a trigger warning. Also, the cover is not mine, I took it from the internet. No clue who created it.


Anyway, enjoy! 

"What do you mean, you want to adopt a child?" Logan says, pacing in a side room of the courtroom, on the phone with his boyfriend. "No we can't... Why? Because we already have three cats plus our family... I know they share a room but Thomas doesn't and... Yeah I know those two do but-... Really? Huh. Okay, so they do too, still that's five bedrooms and we simply don't have enough room for more- Yes it's five, including ours. Okay? Okay, love you too. See you at home. Bye Pat." He hangs up and heads back into the court.

"Bye Lo," Patton hangs up before turning back to his latest charge, a young girl named Kari. "Okay kiddo, you wanna go out for ice cream?" She smiles and nods, standing up from the hard bench. 

"You got the spot?!" Virgil yells over the phone, Roman beaming on the other end. 

"Yes! Soon, my dear emo nightmare, I will be playing our favorite prince for Disney," Roman declares.

"Oh my god Roman. This is, this is amazing! We have to tell everyone as soon as possible, especially Thomas and Pat." 

"I know," Roman squeals.

"We are so going out tonight to celebrate. Chinese, my treat."

"Yessssssss." His manger yells at him to get going, they gotta sign the contract. "Sorry, my manger needs me for the contract. I'll see you tonight."

"See you then. Love you."

"Love you too." They hang up in sync.

"Wait, you got the spot?!" Thomas yells over the group call. Patton is squealing from Logan and his' phone. 

"I did indeed," Roman answers, hugging Virgil next to him. 

"Congratulations Roman," Logan says, Patton coughing in the background.

"Is Patton okay?" Virgil asks.

"Yeah sorry kiddo, I got over excited," Patton explains. "But Roman, this is amazing! You're finally fulfilling your dream of being a Disney prince!"

"I know right?! It's so thrilling." Roman chuckles.

"Prince Dorian, played by Roman Prince. It has a nice ring," Remus snarks. 

"In all truthfulness, congratulations Roman," Devin says after a loud bang.

"Um, thanks Dee. What was that sound?" Roman hesitantly asks.

"Remus meeting the floor," Devin deadpans.

Everyone collectively "oh".

"Anyways, who's playing Leve?" Remy picks up the conversation. "Ya know, Dorian's dark goth adorable boyfriend?"

"Heh heh, actually..." Roman sweats, having not told Virgil yet. 

"Yeah, you never told me. Who do I have to compete against this time?" his boyfriend jokes, turning to the cornered actor.

Roman sighs. "They haven't decided yet. Looking through the clips of auditions, it's not promising."

"Wait." Roman can feel Virgil tense up. "If they can't choose an actor, they'll look back at your clips."

"Yes, which means there's a small chance either Thomas or Virgil will be chosen." Dead silence. "I'm so sorry guys, I honestly didn't know it would this hard for them to choose my partner, if I had known I wouldn't have-"

"Princey." Thomas's voice cuts through Roman's words like a sword. "It's fine. Virgil, you can always refuse, and personally I would love to if they asked. It'll be fine, whatever happens."

"Of course it will," Emile states matter-of-factly. "Now, how about the fact that there will be a live action movie of Red String at all?"

"The first Disney animation that starred a gay relationship and it's going live," Thomas sighs out.

"It's a dream come true," Patton squeals.

"Plus, there'll be the first punk Disney character," Remy comments.

"Maybe you should try for the spot then," Logan suggests.


Everyone starts laughing. 

"Can you imagine?" Dee cackles.

"Me waking up at 2am for make up?" Remy snorts.

"The amount of Starbucks you would go through would kill you," Virgil wheezes.

"He's right," Emile gasps out in between laughs.

"Connor Murphy dropped by the studio today!" Roman yells over the phone.

"THE Connor Murphy?!" Virgil screams, so glad he's at home and not out in public. "You're kidding me."

"I kid you not my chemically in balanced romance, the Connor Murphy, the voice actor for Leve and the star of 'Grim, Gold, Gay' dropped by the studio today and offered to play Leve. He said he'd heard they were having problems casting someone and he was interested in auditioning." 

"You will be playing the first live action gay main Disney character with the person who made it all happen?!" 

"YES," Roman fangirls, practically vibrating.


Hey, Thorn here. Just wanted to say thank you to the readers reading this, I hope it lives up to your expectations. I'll post the next chapter soon, it's a lot more action packed. 

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