Chapter 56

42 7 21

Note: I am so sorry this is late, I had a health issue that needed to be dealt with.

Trigger Warnings: mention of past bad relationships

Word Count: 1164

"I can't do this." Patton stares at his reflection in the mirror in pure terror. "I can't do this."

"Yes you can," Janus insists, not even looking up as he adjusts Patton's skirt. "We've gone over this a thousand times. You like it, so you wear it. Trust me, Logan's doing the same. Roman and Emile did the same. It's your wedding, this is your time to be yourself!"

"But what if-"

Patton's cut off by Virgil. "What if he loves you no matter what you wear? What if you regret not going for this? What if you do something you feel comfortable doing and feel good in and you love it?" He stands up and moves to stand in front of Patton. "Look at me," he says, hands gently releasing Patton's nervous fists from the fabric. "You love Logan, right?"

"Of course I do!"

"And you love him no matter what he wears, right?"


"Then why can't it be vice versa?" Patton blinks at Virgil's words. "Exactly. He loves you, he proposed to you, he'll love you no matter what you show up in. Now stop worrying, that's my job!"

He laughs and looks at himself in the mirror. The outfit is pretty beautiful on him... "Right, you guys are right! I should be worrying about more important things right now."

"Exactly pop tart!" Remus says. "Like, when are you going to let me be the flower boi? When are you gonna ask people to be your person in waiting? And just how many bagels are going to be in the buffet?"

Janus rolls his eyes and turns to meet Patton's eyes in the mirror. "Ignore him, you don't have to worry about that right now. What's more important is that you feel comfortable, so... remind me what the cake's going to be again?"

Patton snorts. "The cake is a marable of yellow—which yes, is a flavor Virgil—and chocolate with buttercream icing and five layers." Janus hums happily. "And Remus has a point, I do need to ask people to be my groomsmen."

"Yesssssssssssss!!" Remus cheers. "Can I be the flower boy? Please!?!"

"I'll have to talk to Logan about it..." Patton stalls. On one hand, he wants to let Remus do that, on the other hand he doesn't want his guests to be terrified. He knows his brother will keep Remus under check, but still...

"I'll take it for now!" Remus chirps. "But I want an answer in two weeks because this wedding's in two months and I gotta make sure I have the right outfit for it!"

"I promise I'll make sure it doesn't clash with your theme," Janus promises. "But I expect some kind of role in the wedding, perhaps a switch where Logan has to figure out which one of us is his to-be-wed?"

Virgil snickers. "If that's your way of asking to date Logan, it sucks J."

Janus rolls his eyes as Remus drapes an arm over his shoulders. "You unearthed my greatest secret Virgil, I'm secretly in love with Logan and have been planning to switch places with my brother on his wedding day so that I can marry Logan instead," he snaps back sarcastically, before pressing a kiss to Remus' neck. "Remus is simply my fake boyfriend I've been paying all these years and my accident is a ruse."

"Exactly!" Remus nods in agreement as Janus continues to press kisses to his cheek. "I'm just an actor pretending to be his boyfriend!"

Patton rolls his eyes and smiles. "So all those loud noises I heard at night and those awful memories of walking in on you two?"

"All staged!" Remus grins.

"Just us keeping up the act," Janus adds, arms wrapped around Remus. "It meant nothing." Remus nods and tips Janus' head up so they can kiss. "This? Means nothing," Janus manages to say before kissing Remus again.

Virgil fake gags as Patton wheezes.


"I want Janus to walk me down the aisle," Patton blurts out during game night.

Logan pauses in the act of moving his marker forward. "Alright? I want Emile to do the same to me." He then places it down on the purple square. "I'm assuming we will now go back and forth on who we wish to be our men of honor and groomsmen?"

"You're not mad?" Patton asks as he rolls.

"Why would I be?" Logan asks, watching as Patton picks up his cards and moves his marker. "None of us have talked about it yet, and I already assumed your brother would be involved in some way."

"But you two are good friends!" Patton protests as Logan rolls.

"Yes? And?" He picks up a card and moves his marker. "You and Janus have had a very difficult relationship, not helped by your childhood situation and your very different dispositions." Patton nods, rolling. "I'm glad to have seen your relationship grow to be healthier for both of you and would never begrudge you the opportunity to involve him in our wedding."

Patton smiles and moves his marker. "Thank you Lo, that means a lot to me," he says as his fiancé rolls. "So, Emile?"

"Yes," Logan says, smiling as he plays a shortcut and then moves his marker. "He's helped me greatly, both with opening up and college, as you know. I considered Thomas, but then I remembered that he's bringing his new boyfriend, Nico."

"Oh right!" Patton giggles, rolls. "He seems like a nice guy, I'm excited to get to know him more!" He picks up some cards and sighs before moving his marker. "But we should probably get back to who our groomsmen will be."

"Probably," Logan laughs before rolling. "I know you've already mentioned that Remus wants to be our flower boy, and I agree that it would be fine to let him be that. As for groomsmen," he moves his marker, "I know I want Roman as my best man."

Patton nods. "Understandable." He rolls and cheers when he lands on an extra card tile. He collects his extra cards before continuing. "I want Virgil as my best man, but I think you already knew that."

Logan smiles. "I knew there was a strong possibility." He rolls and moves his marker. "Then I believe that leaves us with Remy, if we're drawing from our immediate family."

"Hmm," Patton thinks as he rolls. "I know the others will join us up by the front, so if I get Remy and Remus stands on your side, it'll be even." He move his marker.

"That sounds reasonable," Logan agrees, rolling and moving his marker. "Now, I believe I have finished the board." With that, he lays down his cards and Patton laughs. "And with that, I win."

Patton shakes his head and smiles, laying down his cards. "You're way better at this than me."

"Ah, but you're getting better every time love," Logan points out, kissing him.

When You're Broken On The GroundOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora