Chapter 11: Confusion

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My Alpha: Chapter 11

I reluctantly opened by eyes from a wet slobbery lick on my cheek. I opened my eyes to see a deer right beside me, but before I fully opened my eyes; the animal was already running. Seeming to be running for his life. Of course it did, werewolves are are mostly feared than loved by other animals.

It took me a while to realize but I had fallen asleep on the ground of Kiera’s death. I slowly got up, looking at the bright  blue sky. Also realizing that Megan was sleeping on my bed, I ran back to the cabin as fast as I could, not knowing the time considering my phone died. I don’t know why I was running but all I knew was I was running to Megan for some reason while all the memories of last night came to mind. Carmen was hurt. I felt something from her that I had never felt in my life.

Soon, I was finally in front of the cabin and I was able to hear everyone yelling. I wasn’t sure why they were yelling but I was afraid. I walked in as fast as I could to see Dean holding kate who was covered in blood.

“Emi! Go get a bucket of water now!” Nadine yelled as she tried to get Kate to a better position and onto the couch.

I did as I was told and quickly ran to the bathroom, getting a bucket of water. My heart was beating dramatically; I was scared. As I got back to give the bucket of water to Nadine, the front door opened; revealing Dr. Marjuan. Dr. Marjuan is a doctor who knows of our existence and helps us despite being human. I turned to my right and Megan was right there, startling me.

“Where were you all night?” She questioned me with a demanding voice.

I was hesitant for a second,  remembering the moment Carmen and I had. “I left my phone at the field and decided to take a nap there.”

Megan stared at me with those piercing blue eyes. I already felt her staring right into me, seeing my lie. I turned my body and walked towards Dean who was sat on the chair with his hand over his face, looking down.

“Are you okay?” I stood beside him, putting my hand on his back. I tried to comfort him from whatever he and Kate just went through last night but I don’t think I was doing a very good job. Comforting people was never my thing.

“There was a female wolf who attacked us.”He raised his head, his green eyes meeting mine. “Carmen, the girl we spoke to.”

I was confused for a minute. “How? She fought both you and Kate?”

“She was so powerful and fast. I couldn’t even see her. I tried to protect Kate but that didn’t really go well.” He spoke, putting his head back down to his hands in disappointment like he blamed himself for everything that happened.

“It wasn’t your fault.” Dean then turned his head towards me, his eyes looking like he just discovered something crazy. “What?”

“Where were you last night?”

My heart jumped out of my chest. I’m sure that he saw it in my face. “I was out for a run.”

“With her scent on you.”

“What are you trying to say? Are you accusing me?” I began to feel my blood boiling, my veins beginning to stick out and I felt my gums throb.

“No one is accusing you. I trust you. Just be careful of what you get yourself into.” For some reason I felt like he was lying, he was accusing me but when I looked into those green eyes; I saw truth.

“Whatever.” I turned my heel to go towards my room. Kate was now in her room also, sleeping and recovering. Nadine was there helping her out too. Nadine may seem like a cold hearted person but she’s more of an action person. You can’t see who she really is through her words but through her actions. I guess that’ something I admired about her.

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