Chapter 17: Running

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Chapter 17


“Wakey wakey doggy!” I heard a very irritating voice call out to me, shaking my shoulders.

“Go away!” I growled, knowing it was Yasmine.

“It’s school! Come on!” I ignored her, and before I knew it, I felt water on my face and all over my clothes. “C-mon! You don’t want to smell like a wet dog! Bath time!”

“YASMINE! I SWEAR TO WHATEVER THE HELL IS UP THERE I WILL KILL YOU!” I yelled on the top of my lungs, feeling the nerves showing on my forehead and neck.

“Shut up!” I heard Nadine yell from outside.

“You shut up!” I screamed back.

I turned my head from the door and to Yasmine who was trying her best to not burst in laughter. “Wow, you are one angry doggy in the morning.”

“Call me a dog one more time.” I spoke, threatening her.

“D-d-d-d-d-do-bitch” I quickly grabbed my pillow and threw it at her face, causing her to fall back to the bed. “I didn’t call you a dog!”

“Yes you did!”

“I called you bitch!”

“Which means female-dog!”

“I still didn’t call you dog!”

I growled, finally getting up from my bed in frustration, and running my hand through my hair, stopping in the middle from all the tangles of my morning hair. “Fuck.”

“Stop sleeping half naked.” Yasmine spoke.

“No. Stop staring at my ass.”

“How did you know?” I turned my head towards her and seeing her sarcastic face, causing me to roll my eyes and head for the bathroom.

After the daily school routine of waking up, showering, brushing, clothes, food, and arguing, I was finally in my car being 2 hours late for school. Wondering if Carmen is going to be here or not. I really need to see her. I didn’t go to school  yesterday so I wasn’t sure of when she did decided to come back.

Time passed in school and the bell signaling the end of fourth period finally came. I quietly packed my things in bag, listening to Yasmine rant about the mid terms coming up.

“Are you even listening to what I’m saying?” Yasmine questioned, I, not realizing she had asked me a question. “Ems!”

I quickly turned my head to my right and met her brown orbs, with irritation plastered all over it. “Sorry, I was out of it for a second.”

“Yeah, you don’t have to tell me.” The brunette responded to me as we walked out of the room, and into the annoying over crowded high school hallway. “So, what are you doing after school?”

“I don’t know.” I responded, my eyes finding a dirty blonde hair in the crowd, walking ahead of me.

I knew who it was from the smell of her, I ran through the crowds, having to shove a few students out of my way. “Shit!” “Watch it!” “What the hell?” The students complained. Carmen suddenly disappeared though the front door. I ran out of the school and found myself in the empty parking lot. I followed her smell all the way to the corner of the school and after a few minutes of running, I had finally found her.

“Carmen!” She finally stopped her tracks and turned towards me, meeting her empty expression. “Please, I need to talk to you.”

“What?” The blonde spoke coldly.

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