Chapter 2: New friendship

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My Alpha Chapter 2

Before I knew it, the weekend passed it was monday again. I rolled off my bed, smashing my face on the floor with my blanket still wrapped around my body.

"Get up!" I heard a familiar voice.

After a few seconds of silence, I finally thought I would have maybe another hour of sleep but then, my blanket was yanked away from my body, causing my head to hit the ground once more.

I opened my eyes to see a young girl with hazel green eyes and her hair flowing down her shoulders, golden like as the sun's rays making contact with the brown locks, looking down on me with her arms crossed.

"Get up, you're going to be late and you have a car so I'll need you to give me a lift." Nadine spoke with a demanding voice.

It was too early in the morning to be ordered around specially by a beta. "Go away." Soon, I was drenched in cold water, making me jump and fully awake. "What the hell?" I growled.

"You have 30 minutes to get ready, we'll be late." I sat on the floor as I watched her walk out the door. I didn't care what she said about being late, I'm always late anyways. I finally got up and walked to the bathroom to take a long shower.

30 minutes later, I walked back into my room to get dressed and wore my usual outfit. I didn't feel like dressing nice today so I put on black cargo pants, a white tank top, black combat boots, and a thick sweater for the October weather. I didn't really need a sweater, as a werewolf, I never get cold but we had to blend in with other students.

I put my wavy dark brown hair into a messy bun and finally walked to the wooden table beside my bed for my keys. As I got to the table, I realized my keys wasn't there but a note instead.

Thanks for the ride. Take care.


Ahhh!! I'm gonna murder her! How the hell am I suppose to get to school? I reached my phone to dial Yasmine.

"Pick me up!" I practically growled at her.

"Calm you're hairy wolf ass." She spoke sarcastically, making me more aggravated. "What happened to your car?" This idiot was laughing between her words, amused by my suffering.

"A pack mate took it! Now come here and get me!" My car was my other half, my child, my everything! That car means more to me than lives! And that little beta thinks she can just take my baby? She's gonna get it from me.

"Alright, hold your balls I'm coming, send me the address." Yasmine giggled.

After I sent her the address, I walked down stairs to get some breakfast before Yasmine got here and saw the most elegant and beautiful woman sitting on the table with a cup of coffee and her lap top in front of her.

"Good morning." I greeted as I walked over to get myself a cup of tea also.

"Why are you still here?" She spoke with a cold tone but yet so sexy.

"I woke up late and you're beloved little sister stole my car." I responded trying to hide my growl at the thought of someone taking my baby.

"That's not an excuse, this is the last time I'm going to see you late for school, understand?" Great, not only is she the alpha of the pack but also the alpha of my school life. I leaned on the granite counter as I watched her type in her lap top.

"College?" I asked, curious.

She sighed as if she didn't want to speak to me. "No, business for my company."

My Alpha (Girlxgirl)Where stories live. Discover now