Chapter 6: Secrets

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My alpha Chapter 6

After an more hour of endlessly roaming around, I found myself on the school parking lot again, texting yasmine.

“I’m outside, come here.”

I sent to her. After a minute, she responded with an ‘ok’. It wasn’t too long until she was knocking on my window. I opened the door for her to come in and she gave me the look.

The look that said ‘you wanna tell me something’.

“We need to figure out who this girl is but don’t worry I don’t plan on murdering her.”

Yasmine gave her devilish smiles that said ‘I won the argument’. I seriously wanted to smack that face but I couldn’t.

“So how do you plan to pursuit this plan of your’s?” Yasmine asked.

“Maybe we could stalk her when she comes out. That way, we could know who she hangs out with, where she is, and how she is as a person."

“Yayy! We’re officially going to be stalkers and she’s hot so… I don’t mind.” Yasmine spoke with a smug look on her face that made my lips curve to a smile.

“And you wonder why people always question your sexuality.” With that being said, I turned on my car when I saw Carmen walk out of school. Students were looking at her as she made her way to the parking lot. I wouldn’t blame them, she is pretty hot. Boys and girls were looking at her in a very sexual way that made me want to barf. I was already feeling the bile rising in my throat.

She walked into her… wait… a fucking porsche? She opened her red porsche as students practically drooled on the floor.

She must think she’s all that having a porsche, well her stupid porsche doesn’t compare to my 69 Camaro! All I wanted to do right now was to go to those annoying students and smack the shit out their faces.

“You okay?” My eyes finally averted from the blonde female a few yards away from me and to my best friend. I saw her get into her porsche, but not before flipping her hair, and getting wolf whistles from the jocks of the school. She sped off onto the highway.

Yasmine looked over at me as I put my sexy beast into gear. "Emi..." She warned me. As soon as she saw the challenging look in my eyes.

"Dude, she just sped off onto the road as if she's all that. She got nothing on my car. Watch, I'm gonna make her car look like a wimp, compared to my goddess." I put the car into gear, as I pulled into the highway. My car might be a 69 Camaro but the interior is as modern as it can get with the fastest Nitro existing in 2019. This year is 2014, so im a couple of years ahead I know people, who are able to hook me up with the best of the best.

Yasmine gripped at anything within reach comically. She knows I never get into car accidents, I'm basically the beast of the race tracks. I saw Carmen's car just a few miles up ahead. It hadn't even been five minutes, yet I'm already a few cars behind. I backed down, just a notch. Her car must be a snail, because it looks like a sloth from my point of view. It looked like she was exiting towards a shopping district.

We parked my car a few parking spots from Carmen's. We watched behind her as she walked into the mall. She made her way over to Macy's. “We should go get some spying gears.” Yasmine spoke. I gave her a disbelief look and she continued, “you know… Like in those movies!”

Even through the rough time and the stress right now, this loser was able to make my mouth curve to a smile.

Just when I was about to open my mouth to say something in reply, a certain scent was suddenly beside me, making my heart pound in fear.

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