Chapter 26: Turning Page

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Chapter 26: Turning Page


What is love?

Love is pain,
love is suffering,
love is the cause or rain,
love is maddening,
but, love is magic,
it may be tragic,
but, it's classic,
love is vulnerability,
allowing someone to destroy your being
love is hurting someone
love is hurting yourself
but love is beautiful
It's said you don't get to chose whether to hurt or not in this world,
but, you do get a say in who hurts you
So, why do we let them hurt us?
Nothing great is achieved without a strive
it's a dangerous dive,
Falling into a bottomless pit,
Without knowledge if you're going to heaven or hell,
The risks you're making
doesn't matter what you're breaking
as long as it's their hand you're taking,
Love is beautifully suffering.


Snapping me back from reality, I heard my door creak open. I turned my head to see my younger sister walking towards me and sitting on my bed. She looked down on me while I sat on the floor with my luggage open.


"Kind of." I answered the younger girl as I began to close the bag.

She bent over to take the paper that laid on the floor. "'What is love?' Didn't you write this when you were like in 6th grade?"

"Yeah." I spoke with a smile on my face.

"What kind of a 12 year old is already writing about love? Weirdo."

I laughed at Nadine's comment. "I wrote it when we would always watch mom and dad fight. Remember that?"

"Yeah. It's weird when you would watch two alphas fight. I didn't get it though."

"Same here lil sis." I spoke as I got up and joined her on the bed, sitting right next to her while we both watched the 11 year old piece of paper. "They were supposed to be mates. We grow up hearing about the story of how when you find your mate, everything becomes perfect and so on. But, when we watched mom and dad fight we got so confused as to why they would fight if they loved each other we would even see the both of them crying at times. But then at the end of the day, we would see them holding eachother and dancing under the beautiful moon and stars. It really confused me how you can fight with someone all day but love them at the end. Until I asked mom. Do you remember what she said? You were there. I think you were 6 years old at the time."

"Love is beautifully suffering."

"Yup. When you love someone, people always imagine that perfect relationship. That relationship where none of them would cheat. The whole world is accepting. That after they are together, they wouldn't have to fight to get the other anymore. But, it's not like that. Even when you know that the person is yours, you're never supposed to stop fighting for that person. It's never over. Love is hurting and people forget that, making them give up on the person that they love. You never give up on them."

"Yeah. I know." The younger girl looked up at me with her emerald eyes. "Why are you thinking about this now?"

"I don't know. I guess it just came up to me and I just began to think about it."

Nadine rolled her eyes and pushed me off the bed. "Well stop thinking and just go tell her dumb ass."


"You know damn well what I mean."

It seems everyone just wants to call me a dumb ass right now. I gave my little sister a kiss on the forehead before I walked towards the door. "Thanks baby sister." I spoke before closing the door.

My Alpha (Girlxgirl)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें