Chapter 16

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The whole time you didn't speak to Thomas. Not because you were mad, but because you were embarrassed. He was right, about everything.

Slowly you bring the fork to your mouth. The lasagna was good but you couldn't really enjoy it. You wanted to slap yourself. Multiple times. You wanted him to punish you. Because you deserve it. Because you needed it.

"You never told me about your mother," Thomas says, trying to start a conversation. Another brick into your face. You nod. "She uh.... She left me," you say looking at the lasagna. Thomas puts down the bite he was about to take. "Left you? For what?" You shrug. "One day she went to her work and didn't come back."

"That's terrible! So she left you with that horrible man?" he asks shocked. "Oh, but he wasn't always horrible. Not when my mother was around. To her, he was the sweetest and kindest man. But as you saw, to me he was different." Thomas nods and takes another bite and the conversation stops. Silence.

"You know I was thinking," Thomas begins. "That's a first." you say with a smirk. Thomas laughs. "Just shut up and listen." He shoves his empty plate to the middle of the table and looks at you. "So I was thinking," he continues," that if you could come with me to America, you could stay there. I bet he won't find you there." You look at him with open mouth.

"Are you serious?" you ask. He nods. "Yeah, I'll be there for six months, I'll help you find an appartement, find a job and stuff and you know, get your life back." You smile. "Would you really do that? After I've been a total bitch to you." He laughs and nods. "You were not a bitch, you were just shocked and confused, not a bitch." But I sure as hell feel like one," you say to yourself. "What's that?" he asks. You smile and get of your seat. "I said, I'm done," you grab his plate and walk to the kitchen.

You place the plates in the dishwasher, which you just discovered he had, and look at it. "Do you know how to use it?" Thomas asks. You look at him standing in the doorway and smirk. "Frankly enough, I do," you say and look in the cabinets for some wash blocks.

You close the dishwasher and look at Thomas. "Done," you say smirking. "You did that surprisingly quick," he says. You laugh. "Well when I still lived with him, I had to do it quick because after I turned the dishwasher on I had to vacuum the living room, clean the toilets, do the laundry, make my and his bed, and then it was time for lunch which I also had to prepare."

Thomas chuckles. "So that's why you could cook so well," he says,"but that was a lot you had to do, for real Lilly, and you got nothing in return." You laugh. "It wasn't that bad, and besides, I got you," He laughs. "Lilly, I'm serious, that's not how he should treat his only daughter." Stepdaughter," you correct him. "I don't care, he should have taken care of you, not the other way around. It just makes me angry." You laugh. "Look out big guy, other wise you might say a swearword." He laughs and pulls you in for a hug. "I hate your sense of humor." You tightly wrap your arms around his waist. " I love you too, Thomas." you say.

A/N: heey guys, so I already made a cover for the sequel, I actually quite like it, but I would like to hear your opinions as well (:

So leave a comment of what you think and please vote (:

-xx Marly

Safe in his arms // Thomas Brodie-Sangster fanficWhere stories live. Discover now