Chapter 24

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*Thomas p.o.v.*

Times starts slowing down as I see her falling to the ground. What happened? What's wrong? What did he do to her? Once she hits the floor, blood starts running out of her body and everything becomes clear.

He shot her.

"Lilly!" I shout as I run up to her, "Lilly, stay with me, please, please stay with me." I take off my coat and press it against her wound. "I won't lose you," I whisper, "you hear me? I won't lose you."

"Thomas..."   she speaks softly. She places her hand on mine. It feels cold. "It's okay." she mumbles. "No, Lilly, it's not, it's really not." She chuckles. "Thomas," she closes her eyes, "it's okay." A tear rolls down her cheek and her hand falls to the ground. 'Lilly...?" I ask quietly,"No... Lilly please," I sob, "I... I need you." I hold her lifeless body tight against mine. "I can't lose you, Lily," I cry quietly, "what about America? What about the new life we were going to create for you?"

What about us. 

"I'm awfully sorry to ruin this emotional moment," her stepfather begins, " but I'm afraid you need to go as well." From the corner of my eye, I see him pointing the gun at me. I gently place Lilly's body on her bed. I kiss her on the forehead and remove her hair from her face. "I will never forget you," I whisper. I turn around to face her stepfather. "Such a shame though, you seem like the perfect  son in law," he chuckles. "Shut up," I speak while staring at the floor. "What nerve to say that to a man who is pointing a gun at you." I said shut up," I repeat slightly louder and look him in the eye. "So much hatred in your eyes. And for what? Because I killed that bitch? You know son, you should be thankful, thanks to me you got your freedom back." he exclaims. I start laughing. "Freedom?" I shout. "Thanks to you I don't have any freedom left! Right now I'm trapped! I'm trapped in a cage full of hatred and despair. To be honest, the only thing I wanna do right now is rip your fucking head off!" I slowly walk towards him. "No, I want to cut your throat open and throw you onto the floor! I want to break every single bone in your entire body! I want to peel your fucking skin of and sprinkle you with some salt! I want to cut off your tongue and rip out your eyes! I want to cut your stomach open and examine every single thing I can find!" The gun is now pressing against my chest. "You don't deserve to die, you deserve to suffer!" He starts laughing. "So do you," he says and lowers the gun, "and what better way is there than to make sure you will always be trapped inside your cage of misery." A smirk appears on his face. He slowly presses the gun against my chest again. I keep looking at him while I can feel my heart beating through my chest. He can kill me if he wants. I hope he kills me. So I can be reunited with Lilly. I don't really have a reason to live anyway, so;

"Kill me."

He starts laughing. "No, that's what you want me to do, you see, I still have one bullet left," he remarks. What is he planning to do. "And you know, now Lilly is gone, I don't really see the fun of living anymore." He slowly points the gun at his own head. My eyes widen as I realise what he's doing. "You wanna know a little secret, Thomas?" I see his eyes fill with tears. "I really did love her mother. The thing was, Lilly never liked me and that really hurt her. One night Lilly made her so upset she cried all night," he pauses as he tries not to cry, "I told her not to go to her job. I told her she just had to say she was ill. But she went anyway, and died." So you blame Lilly for her death?" Of course I blame Lilly!" he snaps. "The girl ruined my life! So it was only fair if I ruined hers in return."  Is this guy serious? I think and start laughing. "What do you want me to do?" I giggle. "Am I supposed to feel some sort of sympathy?" I stop with laughing and step closer to him so our faces are directly opposite of each other. "You know what? This is taking too long." I place my hand onto his on the gun. "Right now the only thing I wanna see is the blood running out of your body while the shock and terror is still in your eyes." A big grin spreads a cross of my face. "Suffer for me," I whisper as I pull the trigger.

Once his body hits the ground the blood starts running out of it. I laugh as I see his eyes are truly full of shock and terror. "You see that Lilly?!" I yell at her body. "I did it for you!" I keep laughing. A cage full of hatred and despair. That's what my life is now. There's nothing else I can feel. Nothing else I can think of. Only my hatred for this world. This world that took Lilly away..... Lilly.

My Lilly.


I put my clothes in the washing machine as I go back to the kitchen to finish my breakfast. The front door opens and I hear someone walking into my apartment. I walk into the living room to see who it is. "Isa," I say surprised when I see her standing in front of the TV. "Thomas," she speaks softly. "I heard about Lilly." I look at the floor. "Yeah, it's a real shame." A shame?" she asks. "Thomas you really loved her and all you have to say about it is that it's a shame?" Isa!" I say with a loud voice. "I really don't wanna talk about it." She nods and throws her coat over the sofa. "Well at least her nasty stepfather committed suicide, so we don't have to see his face around." I nod and walk back into the kitchen. I grab the knife to cut the onions for my omelette. Cravings start to fill my mind. Hunger is the only thing on my mind. Unbearable hunger that must be satisfied. An omelette won't satisfy me, no food can satisfy this hunger. I have to.

I slowly walk towards Isa who sits down on the sofa. Satisfy me, I think as a tighten my grip around the knife, satisfy me Isa. You never liked Lilly anyway. It's your fault as well. So it's only fair I do this..... right?

                                                                           The End

Safe in his arms // Thomas Brodie-Sangster fanficWhere stories live. Discover now