Chapter 3

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You slowly wake up in a strange apartment. Once you sit up straight you feel the aching of your body. Your head hurts and your stomach feels sour. Everything in the room spins and you feel like you're gonna throw up. You look at your arm. The handkerchief has been replaced by some bandages. You slowly lift your arm to examine the neatly tight wound only to reveal bloodstains in the cushions of the sofa. 

You get of the couch and look at it. Oh no! He won't be happy with this, not happy at all. You feel the tears burning in your eyes. You hear some rumbling coming from another room and footsteps approach. There's nothing you can do, nothing to safe you now. You sit down in the corner of the room and make yourself as small as possible. You close your eyes and hope he'll be quick.

The footsteps come closer. You feel your heart beating fast and tears rolling down your face. "You're awake," a friendly voice says. You open your eyes and see a tall boy concerned at you. "I... I..." you try to speak but the words are lost along the way. 

"What's wrong?" he asks when he sees that you're crying. You point at the sofa. His head follows the direction of your finger. "The sofa?" he asks. You nod. "I didn't mean to," you manage to bring out. He walks towards the sofa and looks at the bloodstains.

"Yeah, you passed out yesterday and I brought you to my house, since you didn't want me to call an ambulance. I cleaned your wound but is started bleeding," he laughs and looks at you. You're still crying, you can't stop it.  

"Bu.... But it's fine! Don't worry about it, I can just flip it around," he says and turns the pillow around. You look at it. Slowly you get up and walk to the couch, but when you try to walk you almost fall. The boy walks to you and helps you. He sits you down on the comfortable sofa. 

"What's your name?" he asks while sitting down next to you, his voice warm and friendly. You look at the ground. "Lilly," you say softly."Well Lilly, my name is Thomas." You look at him and remember where you've seen his face. "But you're...... You are Thomas Brodie-Sangster!" you almost shout.

He laughs. "So you know me?" You nod. "Yes, I'm a big fan!" you say. "Well, I care about my fans, so could you please tell me what happened?" I don't know if I can," you say. He nods. "I think we should go see a doctor." You look at him. "Why? Because of my arm? It's totally fine! It doesn't hurt anymore so don't worry!" you say followed by a nervous laugh.

He shakes his head. "Not because of your arm. Because of your overall health. You passed out yesterday and right now you can barely walk!" You look at him. "No I just can't go to a doctor," you say, getting a little frustrated. "Why not?" he asks. "Because...." you hesitate, "because when I go to a doctor, he might send me to the hospital and then......" Then what?" he asks. "Then he'll find me...." you say softly, scared of the thought he might.

"Who is he?" he asks. "My stepfather," you say. "So you ran away from him?" you nod. "And where did you wanted to go?" you shrug. "Didn't really thought this whole thing through," you say trying to avoid looking him in the eye.

"Well, I guess you can stay here if you want," he says and places his hand on your shoulder. You look at him. "Are you sure?" you ask. He shrugs. "Yeah sure, why not. I could use the company." You smile at him thankfully and he smiles back. "So," he breaks the silence and gets off the couch, "now that that is settled, would you like some breakfast?"

A/N: I hope you liked it (: and updates coming soon!

xx- Marly

Safe in his arms // Thomas Brodie-Sangster fanficWhere stories live. Discover now