Chapter 22

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*Thomas p.o.v.*

I wake up soaked in my own sweat. I sit up straight and let my hand go through my messy hair. What a terrible nightmare. I look at my phone and see it's thirty past two. I get out of bed and walk to the kitchen to get a glass of water. When I'm done I walk back into the living room.

Everything looks so peaceful. I walk to the couch to kiss Lilly on her forehead. But as I walk closer her body looks more like a pillow. With big eyes I look at the couch. I run to the light switch and throw the blanket on the floor.

Two pillows.

I curse. "No, no, no, no," I say as I walk in circles around the living room. "Lilly,  where are you?" I say when I notice a piece of paper on the dinner table. It's from Lilly.

Dear Thomas,

I went on a mission to go get my book back.It's very important to me and I think I can handle it. But if I don't come back in the morning, please go to America without me. Please be happy without me. Because as long as you're happy, I am too.


PS, in case you want to warn the police, to get my stepfather locked up, send them to the following address

Wait? Is that... Is that where she is right now? I.... I have to go to her! I have to make sure she's safe!

I quickly put on my pants and my shoes. I place Lilly's letter in my pocket and walk out of my appartement.

I try to walk as fast as I can. But I can't stop thinking about what could happened, so I end up running. I check every street. Until I bump into someone.

I fall to the ground and the person I bumped into too. "I'm so sorry," I say as I quickly help the lady up. "It's okay," she says," it seems like you're in a hurry." I smile at her and nod, while waiting impatiently. "Have you lost anything?" She asks. "Well," I begin," I'm looking for an address." I say and get the piece of paper out of my pocket. I show her the address. "Oh I know that street," she says. "You do?" I ask surprised. She nods. "Yeah, just walk straight forward until you get at this pub, when you're there turn left." I look at her and start laughing. "Oh my god, thank you! Thank you so much! Really! Oh my god!" I quickly get some money out of my other pocket and without checking the amount I hand it to her. Before she can say anything I start running again.

I look at the sign. It's the same name as Lilly mentioned in the letter. I walk passed the houses when I find the number. I stand still for a second preparing for what I should expect. I take a deep breath and walk to the front door. Well, I can't ring the doorbell of course. I start pushing the door. Well of course it doesn't open what did I expect! Maybe the backdoor.

I walk into the garden towards the house. I feel my palms getting sweaty. When I reach for the door I lay my hand on the doorknob. I take a deep breath before I turn it. I turn the doorknob as slowly and quietly as I can until I hear a click. Thank god it's open. I walk inside the house. Someone's yelling upstairs. As I walk to the stairs I recognise the voice of who's yelling. It's Lilly.

I slowly walk up the stairs, trying to follow the mumbled conversation upstairs. I hear every word he says. About her mother and.... About her! He's going to kill her! When I'm almost upstairs I can see his bald head in, what has to be, Lilly's room. I lean with my back against the wall and wait for the right moment. The right moment to safe Lilly. To safe our future.

A/N: BOOM GUESS WHO GOT INSPIRATION! *backstreet's back alright* So yeah, this chapter came sooner than I thought. Guess I'll post the ending in like, what? Eight months? Nah i'm kidding, I'll see what I'll do, but I just hope it won't take too long 😅

So let me know what you think and please vote (:

-xx Marly

Safe in his arms // Thomas Brodie-Sangster fanficWhere stories live. Discover now