Chapter Thirty-Two - Kelly.

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"Halstead. Thanks for coming. Good to have someone we can trust on this."

I extended my hand and shook his. As much as I wasn't the biggest fan of this guy, he was our best chance at finding Ev and Sylvie.

"Absolutely. Still no word from your paramedics?"

I shook my head.


"Dumb question. Anybody try Brett's cell? I tried Everly's but nothing."

"No answer."

"Alright, I'm gonna get an order and start pinging them."


"Were they dispatched to this location?"


"This could have been a setup."

"Yeah, I think we got to start with that assumption."

Jay nodded over at me as he turned around and walked off. Chief looked at me and I sighed.

"Did Ev tell you about her condition?"

Chief nodded.

"She's out there somewhere and god knows what those guys are doing to her. I'm scared Chief."

"Everly is strong and she wouldn't of kept working if she couldn't handle herself. All we can do is send positive vibes."

I nodded and walked to my quarters. I saw the picture of Ev on my shelf and sighed. I really messed this up. I closed my eyes and prayed that her and the baby were okay. A few minutes later I got a call from Jay and he sent me an address to meet him at. I rounded up everybody and drove there.

"Hey Kelly, all we know as of right now is about six hours ago, cameras caught a black town car driving like crazy down Fillmore. They lost sight of it, so we're searching for it now."

I nodded and started looking around.


"What is it?"

Jay walked over and his mouth dropped when he saw the car pinned underneath a trailer.

"This is Detective Halstead of Intelligence. I need to run an Illinois passenger tag. 2-5-3-1-William-North-Sam."

I bent down and looked around in the car as Jay walked back over.

"Car's empty. Looks like everybody made it out."

"The car was reported stolen yesterday."

"This happened hours ago. They could be dead for all we know. "

"Don't assume anything."

"Well, where the hell have they been all this time?"

Jay shrugged and shook his head. I sighed.

"Let's pull the car out."

I nodded and Tony hooked up the chain to the car and pulled it out from under the trailer.

"Trunk's clear."

"Hey, guys, I got some blood here."

"Alright at least one occupant is injured. Maybe they didn't get too far."

I nodded and pulled out the ultrasound picture I kept in my bunker pants. I brought it up to my lips and kissed it before putting it back in my pocket and walking over to Jay who called everybody in.

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