Chapter Twenty-Three - Chief Boden.

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"Help! Help! Something's wrong. I don't know what happened. She just collapsed."

I pushed my way trough the crowd to see what was going on. As soon as I laid eyes on her I rushed to her side and grabbed onto her limb body. I put my head down to her face, she was breathing thank god. I pushed myself up and started making my way through the crowd to the ambulance.  

"Clear a path!"

I jogged over to the ambulance and laid Ev down on the gurney as Shay ran over to me. 

"We've got her Kelly."

I nodded and stepped back as I watched her work. A few seconds later, Rafferty jogged over to help Shay. 

"Let's back it up, folks. Let's give them some room to work. Okay?"

I looked back at everybody who was gathered around and I held my breath before I looked back over at Everly.  

"Were going to take her to the hospital."

I nodded at Rafferty. I turned back towards Chief and he nodded.  

"Go. We'll meet you there."

I nodded and jumped into the back of the ambulance with Shay. I grabbed onto her hand her hand  and I sighed as Rafferty took off. 

"Hey, she's gonna be okay, Kelly."

I nodded as I looked at Shay. 

"She didn't tell me anything was wrong."

Shay took a deep breath.

"She told me she was having cramps. She talked to the doctor about it this morning and she said that they would go away. I don't know if this is related to that."

"Is it the baby?"

Shay shook her head and shrugged.

"I can't say until we get to the hospital."

I nodded and held onto Ev's hand. As soon as Rafferty pulled up to the hospital Shay and I pushed the door's open and got the stretcher into the hospital. 

"27 year old female, complaining of stomach pain and having bad cramps, collapsed about 10 minutes ago. She's pregnant."

Will looked over at us and nodded.

"We got her."

I nodded as they wheeled her away into a Trauma room. Shay and I walked back over to  the waiting room and I took a deep breath as I sat down. Everybody from the firehouse walked in and I was grateful. Will walked out a few minutes later and Matt and I quickly got up. 

"Everly has a ruptured appendix, her and the baby will be fine. She's in surgery right now. Everything is going well. The baby is doing fine."

I let out the breath I was holding.

"That's great news."

He nodded. 

"I'll let you guys know if anything changes."

Matt put his hand on my shoulder and squeezed it before he went to sit back down. I turned around and walked back over to my seat and did the same thing. Will came to tell us she was about of surgery about 45 minutes later, but we waited for about another hour before anybody could see her. Matt said I could go see her first so I walked up to her room and leaned on the railing on the right side of the bed.  She turned her head and opened her eyes.

Playing with FireDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora