Chapter Twenty-Four - Shay.

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I came too about 10 minutes later and pushed myself up off the floor.

"Truck 81, Squad 3, report! Anyone from house 51, report!"

"Mayday emergency! Mayday emergency! Anyone from house 51, report! Report!"

"Hey, Chief! Severide here. Roof collapsed. We'll need assistance."

"Casey? Shay? Come in."

Shay. I looked over and saw her lifeless body laying there. I crawled over to her and checked for a pulse. Nothing.

"Hey, Chief. Mills may have a fractured leg."

"Can you get him out of there?"

"I think so."

"Anyone got eyes on Casey or Shay?"

"Shay! Call out!"

"Casey? Shay?"


I turned my head when I heard Kelly's voice, but continued to do chest compressions on Shay.


He leaned down in front of me and took over compressions.

"Come on, Shay. Come on Shay!"

"Let's get her to the ambulance."

I shook my head and continued the compressions.


"Let go of me!"

"Ev come on."


I felt the tears coming down my cheeks as the guys took her away.

2 months later...

I jogged up the driveway to the firehouse as I was late for shift. I had an ultrasound at the hospital and it ran long. I was suppose to be off work, but with everything that happened with Shay I decided to stay for a little longer. I just had to be extra careful with what I did.

"Hey, sorry, Chief. I had an appointment that ran long. Peter Mills."

"Hey, Ev."

I smiled and hugged him.

"Hey. You good?"

"Good as new."

I nodded.

"Welcome back."

I walked to the locker room and changed out before walking to the common room. I poured myself a cup of water and turned around as a blonde woman walked over to me.

"Everly Casey?"

"Uh, yeah. That's me."

She extended her hand and I shook it.

"Sylvie Brett. I'm your new paramedic on 61?"

I forced out a smile.

"I'm sorry. I've been partnered with Chout. I thought he was gonna be assigned here permanently."

She forced out a smile.

"I just go where they tell me."

I nodded and smiled at her.

"Uh, yeah, well... Welcome to 51."

She nodded and I walked off to Chief's office. I knocked on the door and he waved me in.

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