Chapter Sixteen - Tara Little Part Three.

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"A promotion, huh?"

She looked over at me startled before continuing to walk away. 

"You need to stay away."

I pushed myself off the building I was leaning on and walked after her. 

"You get a promotion, and meanwhile, I could go to jail?"

She turned her head towards me as she continued walking. 

"Get away."

"They're talking about filing criminal charges. Why the hell are you doing this? I didn't do a damn thing to you."

"I said to stay away."

"Are you okay, ma'am?"

I looked back at the guy and shook my head. 

"She's fine."


I turned back towards her as she pulled open her car door. 

"We both know nothing happened that night. Tara!"

I shook my head before walking over to my Mustang. I pulled open the driver's door and ducked inside my car. I turned the engine on and sped off towards the firehouse. I had quickly changed into my uniform once I got to the firehouse and I was in the bathroom when Chief walked in. 

"You confronted her, in a parking lot."

I lifted my head and saw him standing behind me in the mirror. I turned around and leaned back on the counter. 

"I'm facing criminal charges. Damn right I confronted her."

Chief shook his head

"You are not helping yourself."

"Chief, I did nothing wrong."

He nodded. 

"You did today. You strengthened her case."

I furrowed my eyebrows and shook my head. 

"Whose side are you on?"

"I am trying to help you here."

I scoffed. 

"Well, it doesn't feel like it. I'll handle this myself, thanks."

I pushed myself off the counter and walked off towards the door which Chief was standing in front. He put his hand on my chest as I walked by him and I looked up at him. 

"You contact her again, you go within 100 feet of her, you will force me to take away your squad."

"That's your way of helping?"


I shook my head and walked away as Chief dropped his hand down to his side. I walked to my quarters and slammed the door out of anger. A few minutes later Ev pulled the door open and walked inside, closed the door behind her and sat down on my bunk. 

"I'm fine."

She nodded. 

"Everybody in the whole neighborhood heard you slam that door, you're not fine you just don't want to talk about it. I'm your girlfriend Kelly, and if you want me to continue being your girlfriend you can't keep shutting me out."

I sighed. She was right. 

"I'm not exactly one to sit on my hands, you know?"

She nodded. 

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