Chapter Fifteen - Tara Little Part Two.

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"A co-worker has accused you of luring her to your apartment and trying to force yourself upon her."

This was pure bullshit. 

"What did she say that I did?"

"You're gonna want to see about getting a lawyer."

I shook my head as Chief Prichard stood in front of me. 

"How long was she in your apartment?"

"She was in the entry way for maybe a minute if that, Ev can vouch for that. She came to the door and I asked her politely to leave."

"By Ev, you mean Miss Casey correct?"


Chief Prichard nodded.

"Miss Little said you tried to kiss her, and that she was uncomfortable and tried to leave. You backed her against the wall, leaned into her body and put your hand on her buttock."

I shook my head.


"Care to respond?"

"Lieutenant Severide is not obligated to respond to any of these questions, Chief. He came in good faith to hear the charges against him."

I shook my head. Screw this. I pushed myself up and walked out of the Chief's office before making my way to my quarters. I met Ev's gaze for a second before I put down my head. She didn't follow after me which meant she knew I needed to be alone right now. I was sitting in my quarters for a while when I heard a knock on the door. I pushed open the door, fully expecting to see Ev, but I was faced with Peter Mills.  

"Lieutenant, What you're going through ain't right. So if there's anything I can do to help, name it. I mean, if you just want to grab a beer or put on some gloves..."

I nodded.

"Appreciate it."

"Hey, Mills. His shoes need shining."

I looked back at Hadley and shook my head. I wasn't in the mood to discipline anybody right now. 

"Truck 81, Squad 3. Engine 51. Ambulance 61. Car accident. 3464 Morgan Street."

I jogged over to the Squad and pulled on my bunker gear before I pulled myself into the truck. I waited for the rest of the guys and as soon as we got to the scene I jumped out. 

"What's the story here?"

I looked over at Matt who was standing by the two cars that had collided. 

"Driver got shot and lost control. He's pinned in. Foot's stuck on the gas."

"Oh, God! Oh, God, help me, please!"

I looked over at the other car and saw a woman yelling. 

"Hang on, ma'am. We're gonna get you out, okay?"

"Hurry, please."

Ev walked over to me as she was pulling her hair back.

"What do we got here?"

I looked down at her. 

"Passenger's got a head wound."

She bent down and took a look. 

"We've got to get him out of there."

I nodded and looked over at Matt.

"Hey, we budge this car, it's gonna take off."

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