Chapter Forty-One

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Four months later...

There was a knock on the front door and I sighed as I set my bowl of cereal down on the side table and pushed myself up and walked over to the couch.

No matter how much I hated getting up off the couch with all this extra weight I was happy for visitors. I had gotten Kelly to "borrow" a radio from work to keep me entertained because i was so bored at home all by myself.

I unlocked the front door and pulled it open. I smiled as I saw my brother standing on the other side holding a box of donuts.

"I thought I'd bring you a little pick me up."

I smiled as I stepped aside and pulled the door open farther.

"Come on in."

Matt walked in and kicked off his boots by the front door before we made our way to the living room and sat down.

"Kelly not home yet?"

"Not yet."

I heard the lock click and I chuckled.

"Speak of the devil."

Kelly smiled as we locked eyes as he walked into our apartment.

"Hey baby."

I smiled.

"Hey you. Matt's here and he brought donuts."

Kelly chuckled as he made his way over to us and sat down on the couch beside me.

"That's good honey."

I chuckled as I looked between Kelly and my brother.

"So... how was shift?"

"Don't act like you didn't listen to all the calls."

I chuckled.

"Guilty, but come on I want to hear it from you guys."

"You're bored out of your mind aren't you sis?"

"Yes very much so. Kelly had to bring me a radio so I would stop harrasing him while he was at work."

Matt chuckled.

"Well expect that one call it was pretty decent."

I furrowed my eyebrows.

"What call?"

"Casey don't."

I looked back at Kelly and furrowed my eyebrows.

"No I want to know. What happened?"

"Just Otis being Otis."

I looked back at my brother.

"What happened?"

"Ask Kelly."

I furrowed my eyebrows as I looked back at Kelly who just shook his head.

"How long is Truck gonna keep this up?"

My brother shook his head.

"I came here to check on my sister. I'm not getting into this right now.

Kelly shook his head.

"I don't mind catching flack, and I don't mind confrontation. What I do mind is a bunch of guys making false accusations and trying to railroad one of my men out of here."

"One of your old friends, you mean."

"That has nothing to do with this."

"That has everything to do with this! You're blind because of your friendship with this guy. You're looking the other way and letting him skate."

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