Chapter Twelve - Shay.

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3 days later.. 

I smiled  down at the baby that was in my arms as I stood in the living room. I had warmed up to Clarice a lot since she moved in a few weeks back and I was really happy for her and I just loved this baby.

"I can't believe you two are moving out and I won't get to see this little munchkin everyday."

"Oh don't worry, he'll know Auntie Ev."

I smiled as Kelly walked in the room with coffee in hand.

"Hey you."

He smiled at me.


"You know you and Kelly would have a beautiful baby."

I turned around and looked at Shay as she winked at me. 


I looked back at Kelly shocked. That was not the answer I thought was going to come out of his mouth. 


He smiled. 

"Yeah. Unless you don't want to."

I smiled. 

"I do."

He smiled as I walked up to him with Clarice's baby. He put the coffee cup he was holding down on the table and grabbed onto the little guy's hand.

"Hey it's Uncle Kelly little man."

I smiled up at him and he leaned over to kiss my forehead.

"You want to hold him?"


I handed off the baby to Kelly and smiled as I watched him hold onto him. I took a sip of Kelly's coffee as I pulled my phone out of my pocket and noticed the time. 

"We better get going or we're going to be late for shift guys."

Kelly nodded as he handed over the baby to Clarice  and grabbed his coffee off the table. 

"Call us if you need anything mama."

"Sure thing."

We all rushed down the stairs and the three of us got into Kelly's Mustang. A few minutes later Kelly pulled up to the firehouse and we all got out of his car and made our way inside to the locker room. I quickly changed into my uniform and went over to the briefing room to sit down with everyone else. 

"Ambulance 61, Person down from unknown causes. 65 Grady Ave."

I chuckled and got up with Shay.

"Be safe ladies."

I smiled at my brother as we jogged out of the briefing room and over to the ambulance. Shay jumped into the driver's seat and I jumped into the passenger seat. 

"You and Clarice seem happy."

She flicked on the lights and pulled out of the driveway before looking at me. 

"Yeah, we are. You and Kelly seem happy too."

"Yeah we are. So far."

"What do you mean?"

I sighed as we pulled up to the scene. We both got out and I met Shay at the back of the ambo. 

"He got mad at me yesterday because of what I said to Whaley."

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