23. The Almost Doctor

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THE NEW DOCTOR FOLDS HIMSELF IN TWO, GRUNTING, GROANING IN PAIN. This is a new level of weird, but Aurora's brain seems wired to worry over anyone looking remotely like the Doctor.

So, she steps forward, eyes wide with fear and worry. "What's happening?"

"I wonder if we'll get back," he rambles, patting his face frantically. "Yes, one day." He yells in pain again, Aurora jumping. "I've reversed the polarity of the neutron flow."

"Doctor?" she goes on, voice growing higher.

The original Doctor steps forward too. "The Flesh is struggling to cope with our past regenerations. Hold on."

The G-Doctor suddenly jerks forward, holding out his hand to Aurora. "Would you like a jelly baby?" His voice isn't the same. He jerks backwards again, his whole face scrunched up in pain. "Why? Why? Why?"

"Why what?" Aurora presses, her hearts aching in her chest in fear.

"Hello. I'm the Doctor," he says, but it doesn't feel or sound like him. No, let it go! We've moved on."

The Doctor grips his jacket. "Hold on, hold on, you can stabilize."

"I've reversed the jelly baby of the neutron flow," he rambles, gasping for air. "Would you like a Doctor, Doctor, I'm, I'm the... I can't."

Aurora steps forward, but the Doctor gestures at her to stand back. "No, listen, hold on. Hold on."

"What's happening?" Aurora whines, trying to touch the Ganger again, but he tumbles backwards.

"No! Argh!" He screams, his face almost reverting to the Ganger one. He pushes the Doctor away, right into Aurora.

And as if this wasn't enough, the other Gangers are trying to batter their way in. It clangs repeatedly. She takes one last look at the Doctors, and half-heartedly walks to the others, at the door.

When she reaches it, it all goes quiet. "I think I liked it best when they were being noisy," Buzzer says.

Amy and Aurora nod. "Mmh hmm," the former muses. "Doctor, we need you. Get over here."

"Hello," the G-Doctor lets out, now fully stabilized.

Amy completely ignores him. "Doctor."

The Doctor does the same to her, instead asking his Ganger; "Cybermats."

Aurora rolls her eyes. Oh, so a pop quiz clearly is useful right now. "Do we have time for this?"

He doesn't look at her, but still, he answers. "We make time. I'd like more proof that you're me. Cybermats."

"Created by the Cybermen," the G-Doctor answers. "They kill by feeding off brainwaves."

"Good, good." He nervously wries his hands. "Aurora?" She feels her hearts flutter, and her eyes rock back and forth between the two, expectantly.

The G-Doctor goes pink. "Not here." She takes a deep breath, shakes her head, and walks back to the door.

"Are you sure there aren't any weapons you can get to, like big guns with bits on?" Amy asks.

"Yeah, big guns would be good right now," Buzzer concedes.

"Why would we have guns?" Jimmy cries out. "We're a factory. We mine."

There's a sizzling noise, and slowly, they all stand back from the doors. Some of them grab tools as weapons. "Acid."

The door starts to dissolve and the Gangers recommence their battering. Aurora swallows thickly. "Well that's nice."

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