42. The Red Waterfall

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THE DOCTOR AND AURORA ARE PACING IN THE ROOM, TRYING TO FIND AN ANSWER. It can take a while, even with the both of them, but they'll get there.

"Okay, so you can't follow her directly," the Doctor rambles. "You know, it's never simple. Did you hear that, Handbot? She pressed the wrong button, that's all. We're aliens, we didn't know!"

"Statement rejected." A little light on his torso goes red. "Apalapucia is under planet-wide quarantine. This is a kindness facility for those infected with Gen-7."

The Doctor quickly covers his mouth and nose with his coat lapel, handing another end to Aurora so she can protect herself.

"What?" Rory protects himself too. "Gen-7, hmm?"

"The one day plague," she tells him, her voice muffled as the Doctor holds his coat on her mouth, his hand covering hers.

"What, you get it for a day?"

"No, you get it, and you die in a day," the Doctor explains, voice a bit high in panic.

In the glass, Amy covers her mouth and nose too.

"There are forty thousand residents in the Two Streams Facility. Please remain in the sterile areas." They slowly lower their hands. "Visiting hours are now." The Handbot beams itself away.

"Sterile area," the Doctor repeats. "We're safe."

"What about me?" Amy asks, hitting the glass.

"Gen-7 only affects two-hearted races like Apalapucians," the Doctor tells her, sitting down.

"And Time Lords," Rory adds.

Aurora sits down next to the Doctor. "Yeah, like us. Walk into that facility, we're dead in a day. Fun."

"Time moves faster on Amy's side of the glass," he starts rambling again. "Amy, you said you'd been here a week. What did you eat?"

"Nothing," she answers, and Aurora frowns. "I wasn't hungry."

"No, because that Red Waterfall time is compressed," he explains. "That's the point. The Time Glass syncs up the two timestreams for visits. You could be in here for a day, and watch them live out their entire lives."

"And watch them grow old in front of your eyes?" Rory lets out, sitting next to Aurora as the Doctor paces. "That's horrible."

"No, Rory, it's kind," he tells him. "You've got a choice. Sit by their bedside for twenty four hours and watch them die, or sit in here for twenty four hours and watch them live. Which would you choose?"

Aurora shakes her head, swallowing thickly. "I wouldn't choose." That's just too much for her.

The Doctor suddenly pulls the Time Glass out of the table. "Doctor?" Amy's voice rings out despite the fact that they can't see her. "Doctor, no, don't leave me."

"I'm here, Amy." He readjusts it. "I'm right here."

"Where are you? Am I looking at you?" She holds it up blindly."

"Turn left just a fraction. Bit more." She does. "Stop. That's it."

Amy scoffs. "Eye to eye?"

"Eye to eye to eye," he confirms. "Aurora and I, we're taking the Time Glass back to the TARDIS. Like satnav, we'll use it to get a lock, then smash through using the TARDIS to get you out. Until then, you're on your own."

Aurora has no idea what his plan is, but she's ready to trust him. Not like this surprises anyone. He starts to sonic the glass. "Uh, what are you doing?"

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