5. The Silent Occupation

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HONESTLY, AND IT WASN'T JUST BECAUSE AURORA AND THE DOCTOR WERE THE ONES TO COME UP WITH IT, THE PLAN WAS PERFECT. Awfully long. Tedious. Prone to failure at any minor inconvenience. Yeah, it's got their names written all over it.

Long story short; they know there's an alien. They know that their intentions can't be any good, considering it did trap them. And sent someone to kill the Doctor. But, above all, they know that they've been here since the beginning. Not of this situation no. Since the beginning of time. And that everyone forgets about them, the minute they turn away from them. So, really, there's no way to know if they're here at all.

They had to build something, something where they could take it and interrogate it, or talk about it without them knowing. Something brand new, and sheltered, because they're most likely everywhere. The TARDIS was, of course, out of the question. The Time Lords weren't exactly willing to let a hazardous alien roam freely in it. There were already two.

But here was the downside: to allow the humans to build such a cell, something to hide the most powerful being they've been up against, they had to become the most wanted people in the world. Something that instills such fear in the humans' hearts that they have to lock them away. Canton helped them do so.

And now, the Doctor and Aurora are in a strait-jacket, shackled to a chair with a yellow circle around it. They're surrounded by guards and notices saying 'Do Not Approach The Prisoners' and 'Do Not Interact With The Prisoners'. The Doctor has grown a beard, and Aurora's hair is now hovering past her shoulders in an unkempt mess. It's not exactly how she pictured their first trip to Area 51.

"All visitors to remain behind the yellow line," a voice rings out around them. "All visitors to remain behind the yellow line."

Canton walks to them, flanked with two men. He stops before the square made of a special matter, to contain them. "We found Amy Pond," he says, opening a file. "She had strange markings on her arm." He holds out a picture of Amy's arm. It's covered in tally marks. One for each alien she saw, and forgot. "Do you know what they are?"

He throws the files at their feet. The Doctor looks at him. "Why don't you ask her?"

Canton only smiles.


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BY THE TIME CANTON COMES BACK, AN ENTIRE WALL OF BLACK BRICKS IS BEING BUILT AROUND THE TWO. It's been three days, maybe more. It's hard to keep track of the time when you can't move, and are held in an ever lit room. Aurora feels the anxiety of being locked in a cell rising in her chest, pressuring her more and more everyday.

She knows that it's only for a matter of minutes. Maybe even seconds, going by how angsty she'll be to escape. Yet, it still terrifies her. All chained up, in a box... It feels too familiar.

Canton casually walks to them. "We found Doctor Song."

"These bricks, what are they made of?" the Doctor asks, not looking at Canton, concentrating on the bricks.

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