47. The Gambler

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THIS HOTEL DEFINITELY ISN'T AURORA'S... cup of tea. By that she means that she wants to run as fast as she can to wherever the TARDIS is, and go away. As they follow the three through the corridors, she doesn't find it in herself to let go of the Doctor's hand. She didn't lie when she said that she didn't like the Shining vibes. It's terrifying.

They lead them to the restaurant. Aurora feels goosebumps rise up her arms as laughter echoes in the room. Rita opens the door. The room is filled with ventriloquist's dummies, giggling creepily, sitting like normal people at the tables. It cannot get worse than this for Aurora.

The Doctor and Aurora, followed by Amy and Rory, then the others, step inside. The dummies fall silent, and slowly turn around to look at them. So it can get worse. Aurora considers running away again. "Oh hell no." She turns around, but the Doctor turns her back again.

They walk through the door, the dummies following them with their gaze. Aurora had been terrified, frightened, but she had never been this creeped out. And Joe is, of course, on the other side of the room, tied to a chair.

The Doctor and Aurora walk to him, Aurora not letting go of him. If she does, she'll disappear to the other side of the restaurant. "Hello. I'm the Doctor, and this is Aurora."

"We're going to die here," Joe says with a smile. Aurora gulps, and she swears she just heard her hearts stopping.

"Well, they certainly didn't mention that in the brochure," the Doctor jokes. He wriggles his fingers out of Aurora's tight grasp until she reluctantly lets go. His fingers are a bit red. He grabs two chairs and sets them down in front of Joe. She's not sitted for three seconds before grabbing his hand again, putting it on her lap. She's properly terrified. "Is Joe there? Can we have a quick word?"

"Oh, it's still me, Doctor, but I've seen the light," he says, still with that godforsaken smile. "I lived a blasphemous life, but he has forgiven my inconstancy, and soon he shall feast."

Yeah, that seems nice. Not at all foreboding. "Well, you've been here two days. What's he waiting for?"

"We weren't ready," he tells him. "We were still raw."

"But now you're what, cooked?" She's not sure she likes that he's using the lexical field of cooking.

Aurora tilts her head as she notices Joe's horseshoe clip, and the dice cufflinks. He's probably a gambler, which would explain the blasphemous life he just mentioned. "If you like." Joe's eyes settle on Aurora, and she grips the Doctor's hand tighter. "Soon you will be, too." She stares at him, unblinking. "Be patient. First, find your room."

"Her room?" the Doctor repeats, his voice low. He doesn't seem to like that Joe has named Aurora as a future victim of that brainwash.

Joe looks away and Aurora finally finds her breath. "There's a room here for everyone, Doctor," he tells him. "Even you."

He decides to ignore that comment. "You said you'd seen the light now."

"Nothing else matters anymore. Only him." They wait for him to elaborate and explain who 'him' is, but he doesn't. "It's like these things. I used to hate them. They make me laugh now." He laughs hysterically. "Gottle o' geer, gottle o' geer!" The dummies join in too, oppressing Aurora. They abruptly stop, which might be worse. "You should go," Joe tells them. "He'll be here soon."

The Doctor suddenly stands up, Aurora yelping in surprise. He leaves and comes back with a luggage trolley, and slides it under Joe's chair. "I think you should come with me."

Aurora sighs as she stands up. "Or not?" He starts leaving. "Okay." Sometimes, she wishes they had a bit of common sense.

" Sometimes, she wishes they had a bit of common sense

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