44. The Wife And The Wife

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AFTER THEIR REVELATION TO AMY, AURORA STARTS WORKING QUICKLY. Hacking Two Streams might not be the easiest thing to do, especially with the Doctor literally breathing down her neck, but she has to work it out.

As Amy walks back to Rory, slowly, they start to hear his voice. "How can you have a door without a wall?" There are robot sounds that make Aurora perk up and Amy stops. "Oh. Holographic wallpaper? Oh, sorry. Argh!"

Aurora jumps on her feet. "Amy, Rory!" The Doctor rushes closer to the screen too.

They see the Handbot touch Rory's neck and Rory falling backwards. "Do not be alarmed. This is a kindness."

His head opens and is about to fire its needle gun at Rory when Amy chops its head off. The Time Lords let out a sigh of relief.

Rory slowly wakes up, Amy helping him up. "Oh," he breathes out.



Amy steps backwards and grunts. "You stupid!"

"Oh. You saved me," he realizes.

"Don't get used to it."

He looks at her oddly. "Have you been crying? A little bit."

"Shut up, Rory."

"You have, haven't you?"

She raises her weapon. "Woman with a sword. Don't push it."

The Doctor can't help but laugh softly. "Okay. So, here's the plan. Time is always a bit wibbly-wobbly, but in Two Streams it's extra wobbly." Amy puts the glasses back on Rory. He looks at Aurora who gives him a thumbs up. "Aurora worked out how to hijack the Temporal Engines and use them to fold two points of Amy's timeline together. We're bringing her out of the then and into the now. Amy, I just need to borrow your brain a minute. It won't hurt, probably." Aurora gives him a look. "Almost probably and then Amy Pond, we're going to save you."

They watch with excitement Amy walking closer to the Rory cam, expecting her to be happy. "No!"

Aurora blinks at the screen. "No?"

She doesn't answer, instead holding up a device. "Time's up. Handbots coming."

They run back to the area. The Doctor shakes his head, frustrated at being denied the ability to help. "Amy, you've got to help us help you. I need you to think back thirty six years ago. Amy? Amy!"

Amy goes back to the Temporal Engines entrance and shuts the door in Rory's face. Aurora jumps at the noise, startled and clueless as to what just happened.

Rory notices the weird faded red writing on the wall, and uses the Time Glass to read the message. I'm waiting.

Aurora gulps. "You told her to leave us a sign," Rory says. "And she did. And she waited." The Doctor has to sit down, the guilt weighing too much on him. Aurora sits down next to him, wrapping her arms around him. "Oh Amy."

He puts the Time Glass back down and enters the room. Amy is just a few feet away, and he rushes to her, having trouble catching up to her quick pace. "Why won't you help yourself?"

"They want to rescue past me from thirty six years back, which means I'll cease to exist," she tells him. "Everything I've seen and done dissolves. Time is rewritten."

"That's... that's good, isn't it?"

Amy stops and turns to Rory. "I will die. Another Amy will take my place. An Amy who never got trapped at Two Streams, an Amy who grew old with you, and she, in thirty six years, won't be me."

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