45. The Only Amy In The TARDIS

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AURORA KEEPS OPENING HER MOUTH TO SPEAK, BUT THE DOCTOR KEEPS INTERUPTING HER. It barely takes her a stolen glance to realize that he knows saving both is impossible.

And that he wasn't counting on actually saving Older Amy. "Okay. Amy, Past Amy, stand by the door," he instructs. "Future Amy, you too. Future Amy, can I borrow your sonic scr—pr—probe."

Amy looks at the Rory Cam and smiles. "It's a screwdriver."

Aurora can't even find it in herself to smile back. She just stares ahead, her hearts feeling heavier and heavier.

"Rory, sonic it. Double our power." He does as he's told. "Amy Now, you're our link to Amy Then. We need to get a signal through, and that signal will be a thought." Rory throws the screwdriver back to Amy. "Amy Now and Amy Then, share a thought. Something so powerful that it can rip through time. Rory sonic the plinth front. Inside you'll find three levers and a jumble of wiring." He walks to it and sonic it, revealing all the wires and levers. "That's the regulator valve. After we reroute it, you have ten minutes to get back to the TARDIS."


"Pull out the red and green receptors. Re-route the blue into the red and the green into blue. Leave the red loose and on no account touch anything yellow." Rory pulls the wires and stares at them, confused. "Come on, Rory. It's hardly rocket science. It's just quantum physics."

Aurora shakes her head. "It won't help him."

"Yes, right." Rory takes a deep breath. "Blue into red and then green..." He connects the wires perfectly.

"Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes," the Doctor says excitedly. "Now, the levers. Throw them in order. And Amys, start thinking the most important thought you have ever had. Hold it in your head and do not let it go. Lever one."

Amy's eyes are lost in the distance. "Macarena."

She starts dancing, and the situation is so bizarre, that Aurora's brain stops working for a second. "She's doing the Macarena," Rory breathes out. "Our first kiss."

Her hearts swell. She asked herself a question she never wants to ask herself again, but still. "Lever two, Rory." He pushes it. "Lever three."

Aurora yells as something in the console close to her blows up, sending sparks everywhere. She shields her face and quickly backs away, the Doctor rushing to her.

They cling to each other as they look back to the screen. And see two Amys staring at each other.

"Oh, my God."

"Oh, my God."

Rory doesn't give them much time before rushing to Amy — young Amy — and hugging her. From the corner of Rory's eyes, Aurora notices old Amy looking down in slight embarrassment. They part, laughing a bit in disbelief, before looking at old Amy.

"Sorry," Rory immediately says, backing away.

"Hello," older Amy is the first to say.


"I don't know what to—" they stop, realizing they spoke at the same time.

"Weird," Rory breathes out, and Aurora agrees.

"Okay, this is weird. Right, just stop doing that."

"How about Amy One speaks first?"

"Which one's Amy One?" Wrong move.


"I am. No, I am. Rory? Rory, just stop doing that."

The Rory Cam glasses start to spark, Rory yelping. Aurora's eyes blow wide, and she finds her voice again. "Rory. Rory, take the glasses off! You're getting temporal feedback."

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