8. The Revolution

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AURORA PREPARED HERSELF. The Doctor, now that their plan was all set, was flying them directly in the trap they set, where Amy was. Prepared herself, because the Doctor had carefully told her that it was underground. Which, by now, is common knowledge that she won't handle it well.

As the TARDIS is materializing, he turns to Aurora, making sure that she's okay. She nods, rolls up her sleeves, ready. They step outside.

Apart from the dozen of Silence in the room that definitely creep Aurora out, the Doctor and her are confronted by a familiar sight, and she can't help but frown. "Doctor..."

"Oh, interesting," he muses. "Very Aickman Road." The upstairs of Craig's flat. The upstairs that didn't exist, a failed attempt at a TARDIS. He points to Aurora. "We've seen one of these before. Abandoned. I wonder how that happened?" She gulps, and he turns around to them. "Oh, well I suppose we're about to find out. Aurora, Rory, River, keep one Silent in eyeshot at all times."

Aurora nods, and sees Amy, on the other side of the room. She carefully smiles and winks at her. She has 3 Silence in eyeshot.

The Doctor turns his back to them, and faces the aliens. "Oh, hello. Sorry, you were in the middle of something. I just had to say, though, have you seen what's on the telly?" He walks to them with a portable TV, towards Amy's side. "Oh, hello, Amy. Are you all right? Want to watch some television?" She doesn't seem amused. "Ah." He sets it on the console, and Aurora gets closer to him, carefully eyeing every Silence she can. "Now, stay where you are. Because look at me, I'm confident. You want to watch that, me, when I'm confident." He points to Aurora. "Oh, and this is my friend Aurora. Nice hair, clever, doesn't have a gun, but unlike me, she doesn't mind punching you in the face if you threaten me or her friends. I shouldn't like that. Kind of do, a bit."

She blushes, but smirks at the enemy. The Doctor really taught her how to be overly confident. "It's their problem."

He fixes his bow tie as she gets closer to him, and eventually back to back. "I know you're team players and everything, but she'll definitely knock out at least the first three of you."

She lets out a low laugh. "Oh no. I see seven ready to kill you, and I'll easily win against all of them."

"Seven?" he wonders. "Really?"

Aurora nods, pressed flush against his back. "Eight if one of them misbehaves."

He gasps. "Stop it."

She feels a very unlike her confidence in flirting with him, but she sure as hell goes with it. "Make me."

He seems even more taken aback than her, but he isn't complaining. "Yeah? Well, maybe I will." Aurora is definitely about to burst.

"Is this really important flirting?" Amy leans on her side to see them. "Because I feel like I should be higher on the list right now."

The Doctor blinks, and clears his throat. "Yes. Right. Sorry. As I was saying, my uh... friend...? She is going to knock out the first three of you to attack, plus him behind, so maybe you want to draw lots or have a quiz."

Aurora, sleeves still rolled up and glaring at every Silence she can see, speaks up, distracting them from Rory, trying to free Amy. "Or maybe you could just listen for a hot minute. Because we don't want to knock you out or kill you, we will accept total surrender. And a small cake, for kidnapping Amy." She smirks when they don't react. "Okay, see, you've been interfering in human history for thousands of years. That's a long time. People have suffered and died, and I have a heart filled with anger and revenge for you." She sighs. "But I have two hearts, so that's a plus, and the other kind of pities you. I'm feeling extra nice today." No response. She sighs again. "You really do take your name seriously."

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