54. The Kicks Of The Universe

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AURORA IS LOGICAL. She loves when things have explanations. The Doctor and what happened in the elevator? Makes no sense! And she hates it. Who's going to blame her? She knew it was odd for him to say something like this – to actually say it is already odd enough for him – at this moment. But maybe her place is more enviable than the Doctor's.

Because Aurora was rejected, in a way, by the Doctor. But the Doctor had to reject her. And now he has to watch her look at him with hurt, and he deserves it, he knows he does, but it doesn't make it okay. Maybe he's also the one hurting, because he actually had to let her go. He has to actively force her to let him go, too. Because he knows that's what's best for her.

If she stops loving him, it'll hurt. There's no need to deny it. He'll die inside. But maybe that means she won't do anything about his physical death. And if he can prevent, in any way possible, Aurora becoming the Time Lady Victorious, he'll do it.

He's going to die. Tomorrow. And it's been tomorrow for too long now. He can't let her be hung up on a ghost. He can't let her love his ghost. He knows how bad it hurts, and he just wants her to be okay.

But for now, they both have to pretend that everything is fine. "Good afternoon, Val," he salutes the lady at the jewelry stand.


He turns back to the other two. "Where am I investigating?" Craig asks.

"Well, look round. Ask questions. People like it when you're with a baby. Babies are sweet. People talk to you. That's why I usually take a human with me." He reflects on it, for a second. "Or Aurora."

Aurora gives him a flat look. "So, we're your babies?"

He puts his arm around her and side-hugs her. "You're my baby."

She rolls her eyes and growls. "Oh please."

Craig walks away, giving Aurora the stroller, and the pair turn to Val, who's smiling at them.

"Uh..." Aurora lets out, flushed.

"Hope you don't mind me saying, Doctor, but I think you look ever so sweet, you and your partner and the baby," Val immediately says.

She blinks, asking herself if she really thinks they're together with a child.

"Partner," the Doctor muses. "Yes, I like it." He turns to Aurora. "Is it better than companion?"

She's only able to chuckle awkwardly. "Companion sounds old-fashioned," Val answers for her. "There's no need to be coy these days."

Aurora clears her throat. "Kill me now," she mutters under her breath.

"You've not noticed anything unusual around here lately, Val?" the Doctor asks.


"Yes, yes?"

"Mary Warnock saw..." She looks around to be sure no one is listening. "Don Petheridge snogging Andrea Groom outside the Conservative Club on his so-called day off golfing."

The Time Lords look at each other. "Yeah," the Doctor lets out, understanding her look. "Maybe this wasn't such a good idea after all."

He gives Val air kisses, Aurora waves at her and they start walking away. "And then there's that silver rat thing."

They turn around and ask in unison, "What?"

As Aurora thought, the last time Val saw it was in the toy department. Where Aurora herself saw a weird thing earlier that day.

The Doctor is underneath a table, scanning, armed with a net. Aurora sighs. "Doctor, please stand up."

He does, looking absolutely done too. "A silver rat, glowing red eyes."

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