It took a bit more convincing but eventually they all actually understood. 

Except Sawyer who kept trying to be a sarcastic dick. Don't get me wrong I love it and can totally vibe with the guy but I'm trying to get them to see reason and he just won't fucking stop and be serious. 

Once I got everyone to agree with me, I dragged him away by his ear to the place they chop wood. 

"Get your hands off me" he yelled at me before slapping my hand away from his ear. 

"Then stop being difficult" I snapped at him.

 "Difficult is my middle name darling" he said with a smirk.

 I gave him a deadpan look and just raised an eyebrow "you do realize I have seen your entire back story and all the shit you did and will do right? I know all the emotions behind this cocky façade" I said while gesturing with my hands to all of him.

He immediately got defensive "my life ain't none of your business. You better keep out of my business" he said aggressively. God he is so predictable.

I just rolled my eyes at him "dude do you understand how much I know about everyone? I know ALL of your secrets and everyone else's but do you see me blabbing shit that I shouldn't or that won't help you all in the long run? No, so give me more credit. Now you're gonna stop being a pain in my ass or I won't tell you who the woman you fall in love with is" I said sarcastically before walking away with a smirk. And there's the bait.

He immediately was walking to catch up with me "what women? Is she sexy?" he asked me with a smirk

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He immediately was walking to catch up with me "what women? Is she sexy?" he asked me with a smirk. 

I gave him an exasperated smile that was to fucking easy 

"Are you going to stop being a dick?" I asked, raising an eyebrow. 

He laughed at me "sure, why not? You seem to be actually trying to help me and the least I could do is not make it any harder" he said, being actually sincere for once. 

I gave him a genuine smile "her name is Juliet, she is one of the others. You were going to propose before she died" I told him.

After talking to Sawyer and the rest of the people I decided I should talk to Jin and Sun

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After talking to Sawyer and the rest of the people I decided I should talk to Jin and Sun. 

Once I found them they gave me very confused looks, probably wondering what the hell I wanted with them. 

I smiled at them "I think we should talk" I said simply. 

They looked alarmed "is everything ok?" Sun asked quickly. 

I nodded and gave them a reassuring smile "honestly you guys were some of my favorites and I just wanna help you guys so you end up happy. You might not want to leave the island, here you can live in peace and not have to worry about your parents. You can even get pregnant here but you will have to give birth on the mainland but then you can come back. I'm going to be honest, I know your secrets and you should just be honest with each other. You both deserve happiness and trust me you could absolutely find it here. Build a little cabin and live the rest of your days with friends and in peace. It's something to consider" I said to Sun knowing if Jin caught any of what I said it was probably not a lot.

After that I left everyone to think.

 I was trying to tie up loose ends before I left. 

It wouldn't be too long now, otherwise the timeline would catch up with me. 

I just sat and watched everyone interact with each other. 

I watched couples hold each other close and friends laugh and I felt more homesick than I could describe. Why can't I just have an actual life? I don't want to be chained to this existence......the least I can do is make the best of it.


I'm trying to show this character as the complex person I see her as. Honestly I see her and Sawyer really getting along. It took me a day or two to get this written. What I normally do is write ahead of time and then post on a schedule but this book had so little readers I figured I would just post as I wrote so the updates are a little more sporadic then they normally would be. Ill probably start making a schedule in the next week or two. Happy reading

Disclaimer: i own nothing but my own original character. 

Oh by the way if you haven't watched lost yet...

Oh by the way if you haven't watched lost yet

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