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"WHAT TOOK YOU GUYS SO LONG!" mina shouted . i point to bakugo and kirishima which bakugo was still chasing after him so kirishima went out the door and so did bakugo . "wait did i miss something" i shook my head and smile .

time skip to the beach😛✌️

i sat down under the umbrella while the others are doing there own things . i could see mineta drooling over the girls staring right at them . i still had my clothes on because i'm not about to reveal my body . "HINA!" mina shouted . she came up to me and crossed her arms . "come play volleyball with us!" i look to see the boys and the girls . they were waiting for me and for some reason bakugo was playing with them to i guess because he was still mad a kiri . i shook my head . "please! i'll buy you cake!" she smirks at me knowing that i wanted some . "i hate you ." i stood up and right when i was about to walk she said "hey you can't play like that you have your swim suit under right!" i tried to avoid it but i guess i cant when minas around . "fine.." she started to walk while i was taking off my clothes leaving me with just my swim suit . i looked down and followed mina . i felt eyes staring at me so i felt uncomfortable . it felt like everyone on the beach . i just stood there and when i looked up everyone was staring at me all the boys . so i ignored them . the people who were play was mina, kirishima, ururaka,bakugo,me,and deku . it was two teams of three . me, bakugo and kirishima . and then it was ururaka,mina, and deku . "so this isn't just a game of volleyball you can use your quirks just to make it fun!" i looked around me and everyone was excited . i had a useless quirk so i wasn't excited . "hina!"bakugo walked up to me . "i was thinking of using your quirk." he said . "how exactly." he put his hand on my shoulder and pulled me closer to him . "how about you make a rule for this ball to not work on the others quirk ya know." i thought for a second and that might sound like a good idea . "isn't that cheating though." he lets out a tch . "well raccoon eyes did say we can use our quirks soo" i sigh . i nod . i then put the rule on the ball .he hands them the ball while having a smirk on his face . "alright ready!" everyone nods . we start to play and i could tell that they're confused .

time skip

we won of course because of my quirk . bakugo was just flipping them off and tell them they suck and stuff like that . he had his tongue out while doing that . i went to go sit back down and i heard someone cat call me . i turned around and it was just some random guys looking at me . and for some reason i saw fear in there eyes and they just ran off . i turned around and bakugo was standing there with explosions coming out from his hands . he's the reason why those guys got scared and dipped . "cover yourself up." he threw me his shirt and it just landed on my head . he sat next to me and waited for me to put it on just like a dog waiting to get it's food . i put it on and had my knees up pressing on my chest . " it's not like you don't have a nice body or anything it's just that i don't want some random guys staring at my teddy bear ." he looks at me . my face heats up due to the fact that he called me his . "your cute when your embarrassed i like it." he had a smirk on his face and i just stared at him .

bakugos PoV😛✌️

her cheeks were red . i could tell she was blushing . she's so gorgeous . just seeing the wind flow through her hair . seeing those eyes sparkle . i looked around and everyone was still staring at her . i looked down and you can sill see her ass . so i scared them off my using my explosions . she stood up and looked at me . she took off the shirt i gave her and held her hand towards me . i grab her hand and stood up . "let's go swimming!" she was suddenly so happy . i stared down at her . i was in front of her . this is my chance to prove everyone that she's mine but right when i was about to pull her in and kiss her she grabs my hand tight and runs . (🏃‍♀️🏃💨like this but with her holding bakugos hand😃) i saw shitty hair waiting for us and that reminded me i still haven't punched him for walking in on hina so i'll do that when she's not looking . raccoon eyes was waiting too and i still haven't punched her for slapping her ass so i'll do that when she's not looking too . two people to punch huh that will work . she steps into the water and looks back at me . "it's cold." she then lets go of my my hand and crosses her arms . i look at her . "what! i'm cold!" i make a blank look . "it's literally like 90 something degrees and the water isn't even cold see." i go deep into the water and she was right it was cold but not that much . "cmon teddy bear you don't want me to make you don't you." her face turns red and she steps in . "see it's not that col-." she then gets splashed with water and i look behind her and it was shitty hair . i got pissed off of course so i went up to him and grabbed him and threw him into the water . he looked like a fish trying to get in water . i didn't threw him deep in the water just the sand . he was just being dramatic . i turned around and she wasn't there . i started to look around and i see her but there was guys surrounding her . i take an eye off of her for one second and she's already being surrounded my guys . i started to notice that one of them was touching her by the ass and she slapped his hand but he did it again . i ran up to them and pushed them on the ground . i pulled her in to my chest and had my hand on her back . "touch her one more time and i'll make sure you die!" they stood up and rolled there eyes and walked away . i even barked at them just so that they could get scared . "thank you bakugo." i look down to her and she had a really adorable expression on her face . she makes my heart flutter if that's even a word . "i-its was n-nothing!" god i'm stuttering . dam this girl does bring the worse in me . i mean in a good way not in a mean way .

i love her-

wait did i just say i love her

to be continued 😛✌️

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