chapter idek

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we still in bakugos POV 🧍🏻‍♀️

it's been a few hours since we kissed and she was sleeping on my chest . i didnt hear anyone or anything downstairs so i assume they all left . i started to play with her hair . i couldn't help but stare deeply at her . i never felt this way towards anyone or ever acted this way towards anyone . this is all just so new to me . who knew this girl could make me feel soft around her . we're not even dating and i already act like she's my girlfriend . i want her to feel safe around me . i observe her and yet she's still wearing that costume . god she looks so gorgeous . i just met her and i already fell in love with her . i hope she feels the same way towards me . i'm going to be the one who will protect you no matter what happens . i'm going to make you happy no matter what it takes...

time skip

Hinas POV

i open my eyes and i see bakugo just looking at me . i got off the bed and he kept on staring at me . i look in the mirror and i was still in the bunny costume . i walk downstairs and it was a mess . everyone was gone except for kirishima he was dead asleep on the couch with his legs spread and his arms spread . i went upstairs to get a blanket so that he won't get cold during the night . i put the blanket over him and walked back upstairs . god these heels are killing me the fact that i kept them on for hours . i went in my bathroom and took a shower . i came out and bakugo was passed out i guess he was awake this whole time . it still shocked me knowing that he kisses me practically made out with me . it made me confused though it felt nice . i sat and looked at him . i laid down and faced the other way . i couldn't go to sleep well at least i can but i just couldn't . something was bothering me but i couldn't quite tell what it was . i kept on moving around so i sat up . i put the blanket over me and sat there . "are you okay?" i jumped and took off the blanket . i stared at bakugo and his eyes were kinda closed but not that much . his hair was messy . he was sitting up and looking at me . i nodded and laid down .

"are you sure i mean you don't look fine"

i faced away from him

"yeah i just can't sleep somehow"

suddenly i feel arms wrap around my waist . it was bakugo . he puts his chin on top of my head . he kisses my head .

"it's not that hard just close your eyes dumbass"

"that's what i've been trying to do i'm not stupid!"

i hear him giggle . he kisses my cheek and just squeezes me tightly than before . i hear him hum a song which i knew for some reason . my eyes started to close . next thing i knew i had fallen asleep but i could still hear him humming . it was peaceful . his humming was probably the most peaceful thing i heard .

the next morning 🧍🏻‍♀️

i open my eyes slowly and i could still feel arms wrap around me . i got up and went downstairs to check if kiri was still there and yup he was . it seemed like kirishima and bakugo were living at my house or something . i guess bakugo kinda is but kirishima i don't know . i looked at the time and it was 7 . hold up don't we have school today . i checked at it was sunday . good i don't want to go to school . but at the same time i gotta wake up these two . i woke up kirishima first because he was the closest .

"wake up dude"

i shook him and his eyes opened slowly .

"oh hey hina goodmorning"

he said in the most calming voice i've ever heard .

"wait do we have school !"

i rolled my eyes

"no it's sunday i'm going to wake up bakugo so i'm going to be right back ."

he nods and i go upstairs . bakugo was still asleep so i woke him up . surprisingly he didn't acted bitchy . in fact he was calm . he got up and went to the bathroom . dam not even a goodmorning . i went downstairs again and kirishima was just watching tv so i decided to join him . after a few minutes bakugo came from upstairs and sat down in between me and kirishima . it was silent of course but at the same time awkward well ya because we're watching tv but it still felt awkward . i heard a knock at my door so i got up and opened it and it was my dad . great perfect timing . i shut the door quickly and lean on it . if my dad found out i have boys here then he'll certainly think something else . bakugo and kirishima questioned me and i just signal them to hide and thank goodness they got it . they hide in the closet under the stairs . i open the door and he looked at me with a confused look . "sorry i thought you were a "stranger" ." i stated . well not like he cares right . he shrugged it off and walked in . i honestly don't know why he was here because he gave me money like a week ago so why is he here .

"you might be wondering why im here correct?" . he turns to look at me . i nod my head . "well it's your mother" suddenly my heart just stopped . it felt like someone had grabbed it and just ripped it out of my chest . "what about her." i tried to play it cool forgetting that bakugo and kirishima were here but little did i know they were listening into our conversation . "well she's..well how do you put this....she's alive" .

silence entered the room . i couldn't respond . i just stood there in shock . i began to stutter i normal dont stutter but for some reason i did . "h-how she died right in front of me." i tried to stay calm but i just couldn't . "that's the thing. but i found out she's still alive and she's somewhere in another dimension ." he exclaimed . " A DIMENSION!"at this point i just couldn't believe what i was hearing . he sat down . "the thing is that we have to find her to confirm that she's alive apparently she's a villain that's why we need to move there ." he demand . "i have a life here dad i just can't leave my friends behind !" i cried . " look i know we don't have the best father daughter relationship but i need you to understand your over reacting ." he complained . i stood there in silence knowing that i am . i looked down . "look ill give you 168 hours to make up your mind even though it doesn't really matter because your already coming ." he stands up and walks out the door and slams it . it made me jump .

how could she be alive . i saw her . i saw her die in my arms . my eyes go wide . bakugo and kirishima .

to be continued....

alright sooo i know i'm taking long to post but i'll try my hardest to post a lot more so i promise more are coming!!!!🏃‍♀️💨

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