chapter 28

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bakugos POV

"wait why are we at the mall aren't we supposed to hang out with denki and the others?" i asked, "yea but the place he wanted to take us got closed down so instead we're meeting at the mall" hina said, "okay so where's everybody" i asked


i turn around and yup it's the one and only raccoon eyes. she carries her then she puts her down and turns to the others which was the whole class . "alright let's go hina!" she grabs her wrists and drags her, i felt as if i should follow them so i did along side with kirishima. it was pretty boring shopping for clothes but it looks like hinas having fun.. "TRY THIS ON HINA" she pushes a shirt to her. maybe she isn't having fun her face says it all basically. "hey why aren't you guys shopping?" mina asked, "oh because i already have clothes." i said , "mmk how about you kirishima?" she asked again, "oh same here!" he smiles, "okay then why don't we get ice cream hm?" she looks at hina and already you can tell she's saying yes,her face had that adorable look when raccoon eyes said the words ice cream kinda like her eyes sparkled, it made me chuckle a bit. "on second thought no that's just a waist of money"  suddenly hinas smile turns upside down into a shocked face. "you are EVIL" hina crosses her arms. "i'll take her." i offered. "okay then we'll meet at the center of the mall" she said and i nod. me and hina started to walk around looking for any ice cream stans but we couldn't find anything so far i mean this is a pretty big mall so i doubt we'll find it quick. "i guess we have to go to the second floor" she nods her head, "wait never mind i see one cmon." i grab her hand, i was technically dragging her so i can get her ice cream and meet the others. "alright hina what kind of ice cream you want?" i asked, "just vanilla ice cream" she said , i order what she wanted, gave it to her and started to walk and find the center of the mall. i can see from the corner of my eye her licking or eating her ice cream i guess you can say ,we were in the center of the mall but they weren't here yet so we sat down and waited until they came, "want some?" she offeres. i saw the ice cream melt so i point it out and she licks it up. (this just reminded me of boku no pico omfg i'm sorry🥲) i accepted and just took one small lick that's all, she finishes it and threw the napkin away and sat back down. she lays her head on my shoulder, i didn't mind so i let her. i checked my calendar for so mother fucking reason and i realized that christmas is coming up in 4 fucking days, and we camping after christmas so i have nothing to worry about accept.....presents oh my all might what in the hell do i give hina i mean i already gave her a cat but that shit isn't enough i mean all i care about is giving her a present and not those extras like what the fuck do i give her, a car? no, i thought for a good fucking minute then it hit me, a ring.. no not an engagement ring i mean i could no i'm still young and so is she. a promise ring or just a ring in general, oh i got it! how about i take her to a romantic dinner and then take her for a walk in the snow then take her to a really beautiful place where i decorate with lights beautiful ones and then give her the promise ring, if i think about it sounds like i'm going to propose...okay then um how about i just not give her the ring and just give her a necklace..ya i'll go with that ooo and give her the best day i mean i'll still go with the plan but instead the ring i'll give her the necklace and whole bunch of presents because why not, i mean i do have to do all of that in like christmas Eve late at night like around 9 pm and ending like around 2 or 1 am but me and hina both go to sleep like around 7 or 8 depends on what we're doing so i'll do it all for her but that means i have to give the others presents and my parents too, i'll probably give the others gift cards or socks in general and for my parents mmm i'll think of something but right now i have to focus on hina just her no one else just hina my teddy bear...

"bakugo?" i look up to see raccoon eyes and weird hair are staring down at me. "sorry for keeping you guys waiting for so long i just went shopping for hina too which is asleep on your shoulder." mina pointed out. "well i'm that means it's time to go home!" kirishima said. mina was about wake her up so i insisted on carrying her instead of waking her up. i pick her up on my back and start heading back home with kirishima. "hey aren't you tired?" he asked, "no why?" i asked him, "well we have been walking for about 20 minutes now and i doubt that we're close to the house plus your carrying hina so" he continues, "i mean kinda but she's not heavy." she was kinda falling off so i did that thing so she can go more up. she picked the wrong day to wear a skirt, it's really cold i don't know why she's wearing a skirt even though she knows it's snowing but she's warm it's like her body heats her up and for me i'm cold as hell, my hands are like ice so i hope my hands aren't too cold for her i mean i'm touching her ass i mean below her ass but same thing maybe not but anyways i noticed that we're home. kirishima took the keys from hina then opens the door and we get in, i head upstairs, slowly put her down on the bed and just tucked her in. i felt as i needed to change her but i fear that im going to see something that she wakes up and slaps the hell outta me but with no hesitation i change her. i'm not trying to be a pervert or anything but i'm pretty sure when she wakes up she's going to be uncomfortable plus she's wearing a skirt so when i wake up i might see her panties or she going to be too close to me and her butt might be close to my crotch to the point i get a....anyways i'm still going to change her(WHY IS CARELESS WHISPER PLAYING OMFG PLEASE RIGHT WHEN HES ABOUT TO GHANGE YALL IGHT IM DONE BACK TO THE STORY) i start off by getting her whatever she sleeps in which is my shirt and some shorts like spandex. i slowly start to take off her shirt and this time she is wearing a bra thank all might anyways i put on the shirt slowly trying not to wake her up, i put her on my shoulder so she can i guess lean on me so that i can take off her skirt. i quickly change her into her spandex and gently tie her hair up. her hair is so soft almost like fur it's so beautiful. i kinda got lost just playing with her hair that i didn't notice how late it was so i put her gently on the bed and tucked her in so that she won't be cold. i quickly change into just a shirt and some sweats, i went on the other side and laid down next to her, i wasn't has tired then i was before so i just pulled her close to me and started to play with her hair, i braided a strap of her hair then undoing it and then doing it again, i just kept on playing with her hair and eventually i fell asleep hugging her, holding her close, squeezing her tightly. she is like a teddy bear, warm , and that just makes her my teddy bear, the one that i can't let go of, the one that i have to protect at all cost no matter what it takes, the one that i will i will love forever and ever, i will make her mine no matter it takes i will make her mine..

to be continued 😃👍

it is indeed 5:37 am. i am very very tired so i will get some rest and also sorry that this chapter took so long but i promise i will continue to make more😃

picture for today isssssss bakugos hair back😩👍


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