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Bakugos POV
fuck she is

i look at her . i held her tightly in my arms . was she actually doing this . how come i haven't even noticed before . we made it to school and we made it just in time actually . i put her down gently and put her arm around me . i walk in and Mr. Aizawa just looked at me and gave me a like i guess a wake her up type look so i did and she slowly opened her eyes and i help her walk towards her desk which was next to mine . "don't fall back asleep dumbass." she nods and looks away . "today we will we doing an activity well more like a hero activity of course so i won't be teaching you today-." he gets cut off and the door just swung wide open . "I AM HERE!" i look to see who is was and of course it's the one and only all might who else could it be . "AL MIGHT!" the class shouted . i look at hina to see if she passed out again but no she was staring down at her lap . she was covering her chest . i think she might have found out i changed her orrr she's not wearing a bra . "go and change to your hero costumes you bunch of noobies!" al might then pulled out a remote and i see a lot of suit cases that must be our costumes . i get up and start looking for mine and i found it . i look over to hina and she still looking for hers so i start to look for hers too . i look through everyone's and i found hers . i walk up to her and tap her shoulder and she turns to me . i hand her costume . " thank you!" she then runs off and bumps into the wall and stops . i smile and walk towards her . she was rubbing her head and i look at her and i see a tear rolling down her cheek . "that's what you get for being clumsy dumbass." she turns to look up at me and her eyes were so warm . i widen my eyes and my face heats up . "cmon dumbass." i grab her hand and i drag her to the changing room and shove her in and i walk away and go into the boys changing room.

time skip

i walk out with kirishima and i see hina walking out with raccoon eyes . her costumes was revealing you can say. "HEY KIRISHIMA!" mina the runs up to us . "hey mina, by the way what's up with hina ." we all look at her and she's looking down and covering her body and walking very very slowly. mina shrugs her shoulders "ever since she opened up her costume she stayed quiet ever since ." i look at hina and she walks pass by us . she was wearing all black with fish nets or whatever you call them and with pants that hardly even looked like it because they were ripped jeans but black ones that were really ripped that you can see her eniter legs but not that much and some high heal boots you can call them with a skin tight strapless shirt kinda like leather forming a v shape on the bottom of the shirt and had a heart shape on her chest . her hair was just like i did it and she had a choker on . she looked gorgeous of course. all three of us started to walk with her but she was still looking down covering her stomach and waist . raccoon eyes put her arm over her and then started to talk about how hot she looked and all that . i was confused of course but i realized that she's insecure about her body . she never told me the reason why she was but it had to be something right? kirishima then started to get it so he kept on saying how badass her costume is and he wasn't wrong neither was mina . she did look bad ass and gorgeous . she then smiles warmly . i felt my heart sink and my stomach felt different kinda like somethings in me like crawling . what am i feeling?

hinas POV

i smile warmly at them . "we should hurry al might is probably waiting for us." they nod and we start to head towards where al might is and along with the rest of the class . we walked in a place that looked like a city . i guess it's a fake city . i saw midoriya in front of me and his hero costume was i guess you can say adorable . it kinda looked like al mights but i guess he really likes al might then . i run up to him and tap his shoulder . he turned around and looked at me up a down . " i can tell you really went with a al might kinda look huh?"  his face turns red and try's to deny the truth . "well i think it looks cool!"  i put my arm around him and let out a big smile . " well i think your costume looks awesome i really like how you went with all black, it suits you!" he smiles . " AWSOME COSTUMES EVERYONE!" everyone glanced at al might just standing there waiting for what we had to do . "now today you will be doing a rescue mission, but it's not just a rescue mission you will fight robots along the way, but to make it more intense you will be saving your partner . you guys will be in a group of three and each one of you will take turns saving eachother! of course i will pick the groups because i can so just wait until you get called to be in a group and to make it exciting one of the teachers will be playing as a villain that kidnapped you goodluck!" everyone started to talk to eachother . i started to talk to izuku about things until i hear my name get called up . " the next group will be takashi, bakugo, and midoriya! please come up!" me and deku went up to al might along with bakugo . "okay you guys head towards that building right there!" he points to a very very tall building . once we got there we saw al might waiting for us i guess he'll be the villain we have to face. "so first up will be midoriya! your mission starts NOW!" he grabs midoriya and runs in the building . "so all we have to do is find midoriya and save him?" . "yea but it's not going to be easy ." i looked at him with a confused look . "did you even listen to al might or were you just say dreaming!?" i shook my head and he rolled his eyes . "i swear there will be bots inside dumbass ." i let out a long oh . he rolls his eyes at me again and just grabs my hand and we start to head inside . "stay close . if this was an actual rescue mission then you'd be lost and probably dead ." "oh shut up i won't be lost!" i closed my eyes while pouting . i opened my eyes and he wasn't there anymore . i looked around and i saw no sign of him . so i did the next best thing i could do . curl up on the floor and start to panic . yes i am a pussy when im alone in a situation like this . "see i told you" i look up and i see bakugo letting out his hand for me to grab . i grab his hand and i punch him lightly on his shoulder. "don't do that to me you fucking idiot!" i walk off leaving him behind but he follows . "wait what are we suppose to do?" he goes to the side of me and looks at me. i hit the back of his head "save midoriya you idiot." he put his hand behind his head and lets out a groan . "WHAT WAS THAT FOR!" i ignored him . we started to walk more and bakugo was still yelling at me . dear lord help me this kid is annoying as fuck . " DONT IGNORE ME YOU BITCH!" i glare at him and slap him . " don't you ever learn how to shut the hell up!" he turns to me . he stares deeply into my eyes . i felt chills go down my spin . maybe it wasn't a good idea to slap him . my heart starts to pound almost like i'm being punched in my chest . he pins me to the wall and continues to look deeply into my eyes . i tried to find ways to get out of this situation but there was no use . his knee was in between my legs . he was above me looking down at me . his head was slightly tilted looking at me . i was about to push him but as i was going to he grabs my wrists and pins them to the wall . i wanted to leave and get this over with but bakugo was avoiding that . at this point i gave up . i look down . "if your going to punch me or beat me up hurry up i want to get this over with . we have a mission to do" i look back at him with my eyes slightly closed smirking at him . "the fuck what gave you that idea ." he put his thumb on my lips . "oh cmon don't you want to punch me or something you know we've been in this situation for the past 2 minutes right?" there was a long pause. "oh i know." he puts his thumb into my mouth then taking it out and puts it in his mouth and takes it out. he grabs my tongue and leans in and sticks his tongue out and touches my tongue with his . he leans back . my tongue is still out but with saliva running out of my mouth . his face turns red . he looked turned on . i get out of his grip and close my mouth and start to walk to this door . "hey bakugo was this here before?" i ask like nothing ever happened . " i don't think so." he sounds like he's trying to calm down . i open the door and i see midoriya sitting down and just waiting . "finally what took you guys so long!" he gets up and hugs me . "sorry." i scratch the back of my head .  "i mean we still need to do this two more times" i let out a groan . as we were halfways out the building suddenly the building starts to shake . the ceiling began to break . i tried to hold on a wall but i fall instead . i felt something grab my ankles and pulling me away from midoriya and bakugo . they both took my hands and started to pull me to them . i felt like if my stomach was gonna rip . it hurted . i froze . i felt like i was going to throw up . i look down . i see blood dripping down . i see a knife stabbed in my stomach . i felt weak . i look up to midoriya . is face... it looked like he had seen a ghost . i look towards bakugo and he had the same expression . what is happening . not even one minute ago we were fine and suddenly i get stabbed . my vision started to go blurry i could see them struggling to get me but i couldn't see anymore . everything went black . where was i .

Bakugos POV

she acted like nothing happened . so i went along with it . we went inside a door which where deku was . he went to go hug her but something was off . the situation that we were in was off . i didnt think much of it so i shrugged it off .

we were halfways out the building until it started to shake . i grabbed on to something and so did deku but hina wasn't . i looked around and there she was on the ground . she was trying to get up but she was stuck . i look and she was being pulled away from us . " HINA!" Deku grabbed her hand and i grabbed her other hand . we tried to pull her but once i looked at her . she was frozen . i look at her body and saw that she has been stabbed . blood started to drip down from her shirt and mouth . her eyes started to close . no no no no . i used my quirk to at least burn the person who was dragging her away from us .  and it worked . they let go and hina went on deku . i check to see if they were still there but they were gone . i look back to see if she was okay but she wasn't . she laid on dekus lap . he was carrying her . checking her pulse . "SHES STILL ALIVE!" he smiled but tears rolled down his face on to her cheeks . " go get help i'll stay with her ." deku looked at me and nodded . he got up and ran downstairs . i look down and she looked pale . she was breathing slowly and slowly . her heartbeat was slowing down . my heart started to raise . i held her close to my arms . hoping that she won't die . tears started to roll down my face .

please don't die on me.....

i kissed her forehead


to be continued....

hey so a little heads up so tomorrow is halloween and i decided that i'm going to do a hallowed theme chapter even tho we have this going on but it's fine i have a plan so stay tuned😀👍

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