Katsuki bakugo

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i look at her with a big smile on my face . she looks back at me with a soft warm smile and giggled . i look at him and he was carrying me and giggling .  " i love you so much hina ." she said to me . " i love you too mommy ."  i said . " hey what about me !" i giggled . " i love you too daddy ." he then smiles . " i love you too ."

my eyes widen i sit up and i look towards the mirror and i had tears rolling down my face . i look to check what time it was and it's 5 am . i rub my eyes and look beside me and i see bakugo still asleep . i was still in his arms so i tried to get out of his grip . but he didn't let go . " bakugo let go!" i whisper . he groans . "no...your my..... teddybear...." he said . my eyes widen . and i feel my face heat up .  i giggle . " what...are you laughing...at dumbass...." (you see what i'm doing here ;) yagami yato *wink* *wink*) i slap him softly . and then his eyes widen and let go of me . " what did i say ." he says looking at me . " WHAT DID I SAY." i then look at him and laugh . he looks hella pissed and his face was all red . i then get up and go to the bathroom to take a shower . after like 40 minutes i get out of the shower and i put a towels over my body and i realized that i didn't even get anything to change into not even a bra or a underwear . i then open the door a peek outside and see that bakugo was asleep so i went stepped outside to get my stuff and ran back into the bathroom and i change and went back outside and bakugo was still asleep so i decided to let him sleep . i look at the time and it was 6 am still early and i noticed that a random number texted me .

Unknown: hey hina!

hina: hi who is this?

Unknown: oh sorry it's deku!

hina: who?

Unknown: it's Midoriya dummy!

hina: Ohhhh sorry! how did you even get my number?

Deku: oh you gave it to me remember

hina: oh ya! what's up

Deku: so me and a couple of people in our class are planing to do a sleep over and we decided to invite you

hina: oh sure ig , who's house are we doing it in

Deku: we were kinda thinking yours if that's fine with you!

hina: oh it's fine and who's gonna be there may i ask?

Deku: oh it's gonna be me, kirishima, kaminari, Mina, you, bakugo if he wants to and that's it! oh and todoroki!

hina: okay what time are you guys coming?

Deku: like around 12 if that's fine!

hina:okay i'll send you my location

deku: okay see you later!

hina: see you later!

i turn off my phone and place it down on the bed and i noticed that bakugo was waking up . "goodmorning sleeping beauty . did you have a good beauty sleep ." i said . " oh shut your goddamn mouth shortie!" he said ." what did you just call me ." i said glaring at him . "shortie" he said . " yk what BAKUHOE fuck off ." i said turning to him . he then gets up . "fine by me and also don't ever fucking call me that bitch ." he said glaring at me and i flip him off and he flips me off too and walks out the door . i sigh and walk out of my room to downstairs and i go up to open the door and it was deku and bakugo and kirishima but it looked like bakugo wanted to leave so he was facing away from me while kirishima was holding him back . "why are you guys here."  deku then looks at me and says " sleepover! remember! ." he says with the biggest smile . "oh right come in ig ."  they all come in and kirishima was dragging bakugo inside . i looked at bakugo and he seemed pissed . "HEY HINA!" . i jumped and i turned to see that it was mina, ururaka and kaminari and todoroki . don't know why todoroki was here but they just all walked in . i closed the door and sat on the couch while everyone was exploring my place . bakugo then walks up to me and looks down at me while i was on my phone but he snatched it away from me . i look up at him and stand up and he raised his hand so that i won't get my phone . "give it back !" i said while jumping to try and get my phone . "no not until you tell me why they drag me in here and why they are here ." he says . "well.. we're all having a sleepover but this was there idea not mine okay so give my phone back ." he then let's out a soft tch . "i think i might keep your phone ." he then puts my phone in the back of his pocket and then walks away towards the bathroom . and i just stood there and kirishima walks up to me . " did he just-." i then nod my head and i sit back down and then he sits right next to me . me and kirishima started to talk for a while and i gotta say he was pretty fun to hang around with .

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