Chapter 8- His mistake

Start from the beginning

"Hey Kasui, what's up! Do you know which hero is coming today?" He shakes his head as a no and you hand him the coffee. You sit down in one of the chairs patiently waiting for the pro-hero to come in. After reviewing your notes, you look up when you hear the door open. No! This can't be, Bakugo can't be people's top pick for this week. When his icy red gaze meets your gaze, you quickly look down on your papers.

"Ms.Y/N is something wrong?" Kasui kindly asks and you shake your head as a no.

He casually sits down on the sofa in front of you but you try your hardest not to look at him. After 5 months he ended up looking prettier than he was 5 months ago. Kasui probably sensed the tension between the both of you when he clear his throat. You look at him and nod.

"We'll be starting this broadcast in 3......2.......1." Kasui counts down and you look at Bakugo when you see the lights become brighter than before. With a smile plastered on your face, you review this week's question from the citizens.

"Good morning, my name is Y/N and this is my colleague Kasui. Today, we have a special guest with us, one of the world's greatest hero, Dynamight, also known as our symbol of victory.." You say as you shift your gaze to Bakugo who is proudly smirking.

"Yeah, yeah, why am I even here anyway?" He asks and you chuckle. His anger is literally the cutest thing- No Y/N, forget about him. Try to forget about him, please. He hurts you too much. You look back down on the list of questions in front of you then back up at the camera.

"Let's get to the weekly questions, shall we? So the first question is; What's the best advice you ever received?" You look at Bakugo but he also was looking at you.

"From me?" He asks

"No, from someone else" You kindly answer

"Well, I was told that the best way to become the greatest is to acknowledge those around me as equals but not as if I was the greatest." He says and you quickly look straight at him to meet his gaze. Those words were the words you told him. You told him that after Mr.Aizawa grouped him with Deku to fight All Might. You don't know how to feel right now, should you keep going or keep squealing at the fact that he remembered?

"Wow, those are beautiful words," Kasui says

"Indeed it was," Bakugo says and you smile.

"Alright, next question. Who inspires you and why?" You ask

"All Might, he wins every battle he faces." You nod your head understanding what he means. Well, he only told the public half of the story. Deku also inspires him but maybe he is leaving that conversation for another day.

"What's your personal Motto?" You ask

"If I don't put my all in it, that just means that I'm being a half-ass. And I don't like half-assing things." He says and you slightly hit your forehead.

" Dynamight, kids also watch this channel." You cautiously say.

"Well that's how I was raised and I turned out awesome." He says


Kasui quickly gets the cue and the first part of today's interview is over. You wanted to ask Bakugo how he remembered your words so clearly but it was too late for that. Your date is in 30 minutes and you have to leave. You quickly get up and fix your clothes while handing the list of questions to Kasui.

"I'm so sorry Kasui but I need to leave. I have a date today and I don't want to miss it. I know it's very unprofessional of me to leave work for a stupid date but please. Take care of this interview while I'm on my date. I believe that you can." You say and he confusingly nods. You quickly lean down and hug him.

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