Chapter 31 - Blooming Morning

Start from the beginning

Armin looked at me, searching for any hint of hurt in my face. But all he could ever find there was realization and reflection, as I let his meaningful words sink in to me.

"Thank you, Armin." I said, looking at him and his bright blue eyes. "I will remember that."

He smiled at me, and I realized how awfully worried I'd be once they all set off for Maria in a few weeks. I would probably not be able to sleep until they were all home. Armin, Levi, Uncle Erwin, and the others. I could only rest when I'm assured they would all be back in one piece.

"Though I trust you quite well, Armin.. I have to say I'm going to kick your balls when you come back missing a limb or an eye or whatever." I said, bringing back the bantering moment between us. "I'll have to see the day that I get nieces and nephews from you, or else I'll curse you until the day I die."

"W-Wha.. Where the hell does all this come from, Naomi?" He laughed sheepishly, scratching the back of his head.

"Oh, you better believe it, punk. If you die out there in the battlefield, I'll put up a statue of you in front of the Scout Castle. You and you alone." I said.

"Naomi, for the gods' sake!" He exclaimed in horror, probably imagining the possibility in his head. "Anything but a statue. I'll roll in my grave of embarrassment."

"But why? It should be built- to honor the glory and the sacrifice you have laden upon the very feet of humanity!" I proclaimed in grandiose modulation.

"That's humiliating!" He replied, his eyes wide and his face abash with red hues.

"I'll have it built in the size of the titan that should kill you!" I said, gesturing wildly. "Made of gold-titanium alloy!"

"Agh, it's unbearable, the image, I can't get it out of my head." He screamed, digging his nails into his scalp.

"Now you're just mocking me." I said, glaring at him. He laughed out, throwing his head back like a little kid, his shoulders moving along with his loud chuckles.

I was annoyed as I watched him cackle at first, but it wasn't long until I bursted out laughing too, joining his fit of hilarity as we further walked down the quiet street.

We were laughing freely, until we heard a large window open wide and an angry woman yell out in this painfully shrieky voice, "Go admit yourselves to an asylum, crazy lunatics!"

Surprised at the snide impudence, I turned around slowly and tilted my head up to the woman, in such a way that made her frown tighter at my proud stance.

"Why don't you come down here and kiss my ass, crazy lady?" I said, the drunk blush of my laughter still bright across my face as I looked up at her on the window above us.

The lady's face knotted into an even more irritated expression, and she ducked out of the open shutters. Armin looked at me in surprise.

"Dude, are you out of your mind?!" He asked me. "You're a noblewoman! You shouldn't be talking like that!"

"Pah! You speak as if you haven't known me for the past three years!" I laughed. "I'm not a noble right now, am I? Live a little, golden boy!"

"How's this for a kiss?!" The lady yelled, and as Armin and I looked up at the window, she was already holding a large, heavy wooden bucket.

"Oh crap. Armin, run!" I yelled, and at the very split second she tipped the bucket over, Armin and I almost slipped in the stone roads, taking off as fast as we could on our feet.

I laughed, as I felt the water splash aloud behind me, wetting the edges of my skirt and a sprinkle at the back of Armin's shirt and pants. When we were a safe distance, Armin turned back and looked at the old lady. He twisted on his heel and stuck out his butt, giving it a slap. "Sorry old lady, but you didn't even graze my ass!"

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