Chapter 29 - Welcome Back

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"Ivan and Adela were married, weren't they?" Levi asked, as the two of us sat next to each other in the carriage leading us to our inn. Uncle Erwin was reading a book, with Hanji dozing off next to him.

"Yeah." I nodded, looking at Levi. He was leaning back on the rest as I sat right next to the open window, gazing at my large, nostalgic hometown.

Down on the cobblestone streets, people were going about their errands; vendors calling out to customers, children playing in the streets, gentlemen talking to ladies, students carrying books and coming home; I did not remember enough of what it looked like almost a decade ago to compare the past with the present, but the feeling of returning still calmed me in some way.

I felt warm and cozy as my eyes wandered down the roads and up the buildings of the place I spent my childhood in.

"She wrote in the journals that they were legal in preparation before I was born." I continued my answer to Levi. "Most people also knew her as Mrs. Dietrich."

"Erwin," Levi called. My uncle lifted his eyes from the book to look at him. "Do you still have the original papers of Naomi's birth? Under Adela and Ivan's name?"

"Well of course." Uncle Erwin replied blankly. "What do you need it for?"

Levi looked at me for continuation, and I proceeded to talk to my father-figure. "I'm planning to take the Dietrich Estate, uncle. I'm going to convert it into a college offering free education."

"Free education, daisy? That's quite the reach." My father said. "What would the range be?"

"Secondary." I replied. "Specializing in the arts and sciences."

"She's going to use the liquefied ill-gotten assets of the frauds to rebuild it, put some tables and chairs in, the lockers and the books." Levi explained, then he looked at me. "You'd maybe want to sell the furniture lying in there?"

"You read my mind." I answered, nodding at him before returning to look at my uncle. "Plus, there's a whole portion of taxes that we can use to maintain it. My own income alone is enough to keep the lights on for at least a thousand students every year."

"You should talk about this with Historia." Uncle Erwin replied. "This is a great idea, Naomi. It feels like something Adela would be proud to see you do."

I shrugged sheepishly, smiling. "I'm just doing what feels right. I can't let the property go to waste."

"Then again what could you do to disappoint her?" My uncle smiled to himself, before returning his attention back to Levi and I. "I understand you're assisting Naomi on this, Levi?"

"I'll handle the legal aspects of it." Levi answered calmly. "It shouldn't be too difficult converting the property into Naomi's name, given that the last heir left a will that specified who shall inherit the estate."

Uncle Erwin nodded. "I'm sure the Queen will appreciate this project of yours, she will gladly endorse it."

"It would be my returning gift to Calaneth." I answered warmly, looking out the window. "And also, a monument for my mother."

"Are you naming it after her?" My uncle asked, as I looked up at the bright blue sky.

I smiled. "Of course. She's quite popular here in Calaneth, no? People will immediately realize whose honor that school will be built in just by saying its name; Adela Smith College of Arts and Sciences."

"This is beautiful and amazing and all, I commend your charitable heart, Naomi, but..." Hanji perked up, getting all of our attention. She yawned, stretching out, and started speaking again. "Are we here to discuss this project and build a school? Because I really thought we were going to take a break from work for a while."

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