Chapter 9 - The Spec Ops

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"My daisy," A woman, her hair blonde and her eyes blue; her face a blur, called me as we sat there under the shade of an oak tree, the bright blue sky above us. "I think it is about time you learned something of your grandfather."

I sat there next to her, closing my book as I gave her my full attention. "My grandfather, mommy?"

She nodded faintly, smiling at me. "My father, mine and your Uncle Erwin's father."

"Well, where is he?" I asked, looking around the wide fields of the estate. My mother laughed at me, her giggling voice soft and gentle, like my feather pillow.

"You see the sky up there, sweetheart?" She said, looking up at the vast azure. I followed her gaze to the white cotton clouds.

"I don't see a face anywhere." I answered, narrowing my eyes.

"You wouldn't, hmm? But your grandpa up there," She said softly, "He sees you, and he's proud of you; because you're growing up to be a very intelligent, very curious, very stubborn young lass."

She turned to me and pinched the end of my nose, making me giggle. She laughed softly as I sidled up next to her, laying my head on her chest. "Was grandpa like me, too?"

"Very much." She answered. I could feel her steady breathing underneath my small ear, and there was nowhere else I felt more at home. "He was very studious, not because he was hardworking; but because he felt a pleasantness about learning new things. He's always looking for something to discover."

"That sounds like me," I perked up.

She smiled down at me, brushing her fingers along the back of my head. "Now he does, doesn't he? Although, you do have a lot of difference."

"What is that?" I asked, genuinely curious.

"For one thing, your grandpa knew which learnings to keep to himself. And he knew the things he should not let others know." My mother replied, her countenance serious and thoughtful. "He knows how to keep himself safe, darling. And the others around him. But he never deprives his loved ones of his wisdom. He has taught us a lot of things that no other people in the world know."

"Whoa, like a secret?" I gasped, leaning closer up at my mother. She nodded, smiling faintly.

"Many, many secrets. Some of those I can't let you know yet." She told me. "But I've been writing them down in books so I could pass the secrets onto you. Can you be trusted with a secret, daisy love?"

"I think so. Yes! I will guard grandpa's secret with my heart." I said, abruptly sitting up and placing a hand on the left side of my chest.

Mommy smiled at my gesture, and continued on. "I've kept the books in a locked box somewhere in our bedroom, and when the time comes that you're old enough to read them, I will show them to you. Now, little darling, not everything written there is sure to be true. Some of them are theories."

"Theories?" I repeated, unsure of the meaning of the word.

"Yes. Theories are ideas that might be true but haven't been proved yet." She answered me. "You cannot tell anyone I have those books in the bedroom, daisy. You understand? Not a single soul should know."

"Yes mommy." I nodded. "But can I tell Auntie?"

"Your auntie knows about it. She's the only person you can talk about it with." She told me. "Don't talk about it with Uncle Erwin, nor Uncle Levi. They cannot know. It's our secret as girls."

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