Curiosity Killed the Cat-

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Izuku crouched on the rooftop opposite the rundown bar that was currently serving as the League of Villains hideout. In the dead of night he was virtually unseen, staying stock still as he waited. All was quiet around him, only small bursts of conversation from passersby, or drunken singing and stumbling footsteps- made worse by their tuneless voices- echoing through the streets.

His mask allowed him the luxury of seeing right through the dark, his gaze focused on the doors. After another hour of no sound nor sight of people from inside the bar, he decided to make his move.

Crawling down a wall that couldn't be seen from the bar was easy, and before he knew it he was crossing the street while ensuring he stayed in the shadows, silent and stealthy.

Just as Loki was about to turn into the alley beside the bar he paused, listening carefully to the small, quiet thuds his cat headphones were picking up and feeding through to his ears. He slunk back into the shadows, pressing himself against the wall.

He was immensely glad he hadn't turned into the alley when he heard a door clatter open, bright light spilling out onto the concrete. Heavy footsteps dragged along the ground, a deep voice grumbling to themselves, seeming to be in an argument over some meeting happening inside.

As soon as the door closed again, Izuku breathed a little easier, relaxing his muscles from their stiff positions. He rolled his shoulders, soothing the aching, still healing joints.

Creeping around the corner he looked for anything that seemed out of place, any traps or people in hiding. Finding nothing, he deemed it safe enough to continue onwards and slowly walked to a spot below a small window in the alley. It was a high reach but using the sticky honey-like substance that oozed from his boots, he made quick work of the climb up.

Next came the intricate part. Grabbing a small finger-sized pen from his utility pocket, he aimed it at the window.

"Let's hope this works Mei," he whispered into his mask, pressing the button. The concentrated beam of a laser shot out, cutting through the cheap glass easily. It was slow going... and the machinery inside the pen filled the air around him with a low humming sound, but it was faint enough that even people on the ground wouldn't have been able to hear.

One hand occupied with digging his claws into the wall and another with holding the laser steady, he distantly began to wonder what room he would be entering through. The possibilities were endless but he just hoped it wasn't anywhere near Tomura's. Or the old fucker's old room.

Stopping to listen carefully for any sounds coming from inside the room, he breathed out in relief when he heard nothing but silence. There was the faint hum of voices and various machines further inside the building but he ignored those for the time being. Getting in was his first priority.

Firmly pushing on the square shape he had created with his laser, he shoved it inwards, glancing to the floor below to find a small rug there. Dropping the glass onto the rug, he swung himself in, dusting off his suit before straightening.

The green tinge of the night vision that his mask provided was slightly disorientating but fine. Thankfully the room had no lights on. Glancing around the room Loki nearly groaned in frustration as he spotted a rather large pile of dust particles in the middle of the room along with some other smaller piles scattered across the room. A large bin was in the corner, the top slightly ajar with how many things were stuffed in it. Mainly dust.

"Fucking s... Shigaraki," Loki said, rolling his eyes. Of course he had to end up in that idiot's room. No surprise there.

His boots made no sound against the floor and he internally laughed at every missing floorboard he saw, a gaping hole left in its wake. "His quirk really is that destructive, huh."

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