Emotions lead to luck

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Midoriya Izuku woke up alone, shivering and sweating on the floor a few hours later. 

Groggily, he sat up, his surrounding blurry and unfocused around him.

He forced his hand into his pocket to grab his phone, staring blearily at the light as it pierced his eyes. Blinking rapidly, he cleared the fog from his head, ignoring the pain that wrapped around him like a second skin now. 

Numbers sat on the screen, his mind jolting awake as he struggled to comprehend the time. It was later than it had been before yet his body was drooping across the floor, finding it hard to stay awake.

He forced himself up, using the wall as leverage. His jacket pulled at his skin, the stickiness of his blood-caked onto it, causing it to stick. A groan left his mouth as he yanked himself upward, and held steady, breathing through the ache in his body, every twinge of a muscle taking his consciousness further away.

Door opening, he could barely feel the way his hand twitched as it gripped the handle, working too hard to be normal just to open the fucking door.

In the hallway he felt like he could breathe better, the open space giving him more room to wander as he dragged himself to his next class of teaching. He had missed nearly the whole day and could only hope that Aizawa wouldn't give out to him for too long.

He was just a tad too sore to deal with a lecture today.

He was stumbling through the corridors when a surge of adrenaline hit him. His speed began to pick up, balance improving as he raced down the hallway. The pain was barely felt anymore, tingles replacing the debilitating agony that had been coursing through his body in stabs and lightning bolts. 

Then he stopped.

He tried to keep going but his body refused to do anything. His cognitive functions were shutting down, a tsunami of pain washing over him. He felt his vision begin to return to black once again, dark spots appearing over the spinning of the hallway he stood in. 

His legs crumpled, falling roughly to the cold, hard tiles below him. His head smashed against the ground, eyes shuttering closed as he struggled to awaken himself enough to try to get up. The dark behind his eyelids whispered to him, begging him to say, stay where there was no pain, no hurt, no anything.

He would admit that it sounded nice. It was tempting.

But he couldn't.

And yet, in the end, he wasn't the one to make the decision. 

A blinding pain shot through his body before he could even draw in a breath to prepare, a strangled scream emitted from his own mouth.

He felt a hand resting on his shoulder and panicked, shaking his body so they would remove it.

He opened his eyes to see worried blue eyes looking at him, the girl's mouth moving but no sound reached Izuku's ears. 

A hand fell onto his forehead, soothing the burning heat there.

He closed his eyes, knowing he would be cared for, no matter what outcome this turn of events brought.

The darkness quieted as he became one with it, embracing him in cool, deep stillness.

He smiled at it.


Slyth was trying to talk to the person beside her in the English class they sat in when she noticed it. How Present Mic kept looking at his watch, then his phone, before plastering another smile onto his face, a very obvious fake one.

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