Meeting the Love Interest

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Shouta stood by the boy's bed, his hands grasping the metal railing tightly. He felt more than saw Yamada walk carefully over to him. He knew his hands were shaking uncontrollably. Had been since the boy had left his arms.

It was stupid, stupid, stupid.

He should have been on patrol that night, instead of making plans to get the kid into UA with Nezu. The kid might never get to become the person he was always meant to be. 

And it would be all his fault.

A warm hand clasped his own, prying it off the cool metal. He let go with little resistance, too exhausted to speak much.

He had barely eaten since the day of the meeting which had only been… yesterday. It felt much longer.

The boy was still unconscious. The doctors had confirmed he wasn't in a coma, only recovering at a very slow pace. He had strained his body too much in a short amount of time. 

Aizawa sighed. His eyelids slipped closed and he felt the sudden urge to go to sleep. Yamada had tried to persuade him to rest, but he couldn't. Every time he closed his eyes there was so much blood and pus and…

He still didn't know what the boy's face looked like. It seemed the mask had a clasp which could only be removed by a password inserted into it. 

Luckily, the breathing filter was able to have a ventilator inserted into it and worked just fine. Thankfully the boy was breathing on his own again. 

All Shouta knew was the boy had green hair. It was matted and greasy, spotted with blood and dirt but it was a bright vibrant emerald. It seemed fitting for what Shouta knew of his personality.

And it matched his mother's.

Inko Midoriya had been notified immediately. Nezu had already had his suspicions about the child and rang her to confirm. She bluffed and played dumb at first but once hearing he was in the hospital she was soon seen barrelling through the school. 

When she saw her baby she began to sob but wouldn't accept any comfort offered her way. The other teachers gathered in the room looked on as she turned to the doctor and demanded to know what was wrong and how it had happened. 

When hearing of the injury she didn't look surprised. She just seemed… exasperated. He had obviously done this before.

Shouta didn't know if that made him relieved or disappointed.

But the startling thing about Inko was that, after bawling over her child for a solid two minutes, she noticed the others in the room. And instead of ignoring them as Aizawa would have done, she started to talk.

"W-when M-M-Midoriya was five, he fell off his bike for the f-first time and," her voice cracked and she sniffled, but continued, "he cried. So much. I've never seen a child cry as much. He had a blue bike, brand new, that he had gotten for his birthday." She looked up at them and met their gazes head-on. "It's still in the shed. When he wakes up, I'll show you all the pictures. Thank you so much for caring for him… he's… h-he's never truly had anyone besides me." She bowed her head to them, hand never loosening its grip on Izuku's. 

The heroes had watched in shock, listened to her babble on about baby Midoriya. They hadn't learned his first name or his age… yet. They learned of accidents at school or in the park, his first time petting a dog, how he loves cats. She spun stories of their family, just the two of them, but the happiness they shared within their home. She told them of the time Izuku had almost drank washing up liquid during his crawling stage. How he always had to sleep on the warmer side of the bed, because being too cold makes his muscles clam up because of the scars he suffered through.

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