Chapter 29

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"The S.F.S.B?" Rowan asked through our facetime session. I had a room full of people taking notes and creating blueprints while people on their end did the same. Alec and Rowan completely loved the idea which is why we were having this meeting in the first place.

I have a vision of this place being the headquarters of all things supernatural. I want to be able to help those who can't help themselves or are unsure of what to do in terms of those not human. We have to think of ways to keep this information away from the human world but at the same time there are a lot of humans out there having non-human babies so I don't know how we're going to do this but I'm sure we'll make it work.

"Yes," I say to them.

Rowan shrugged nonchalantly, "Sounds good to me. Tell us when you would need us to help out with resources and we'll send them as soon as possible."

"Me too!" I heard Thomas shout in the background.

I laughed at his humorous personality. He's an interesting alpha, I'll give him that.

"It'll be a few months before our blueprints are complete but I'll be sure to let you know. Is Xavier doing alright?" I asked them.

"More than alright," Alec growled. "All he does is eat our food and complain about how packs are boring."

Sounds like Xavier.

We exchanged basic conversation for a bit before diving back into business talk.

"What are your plans for training? The new aeteri will need it." Rowan said and I agreed.

"I want a training yard. Training inside will no longer cut it. Later today I will be evaluating some of the aeteri to see who will be placed where. A lot of them are so scared to do something wrong, they still can't believe they're free." I say, remembering when I was freed. I had some very all too realistic nightmares of the institute for so long after but eventually, they go away, but the feeling of freedom is one you never forget.

"I still can't believe there are other supernatural beings out there in this world... hell, in this universe," Rowan said, a smile playing on her lips. "I think that's amazing. I mean, I never really believed we were all there was but knowing for sure now, it's pretty cool."

"Sounds pretty dangerous to me," Alec said and Rowan just shook her head at him.

"You said the same about the aeteri and you grew to like us." She said to him.

He smirked, "An aeteri turned out to be my mate, I had no choice."

I snorted and I heard a few chuckles on their end but Rowan didn't seem to like his joke.

"Athena, I'll call you back later. Keep me updated on the S.F.S.B plans, okay?" She asked without taking her murderous glare off of her mate.

I didn't get a chance to respond because the screen went black. The room was silent for a bit until Kevin spoke up. "Glad I'm not him."

Ariana giggled and Kevin kissed the side of her head lovingly and everyone got up and started to leave.

"What's the deal with you two?" I asked them.

Kevin gave a small sigh and Ariana looked a little guilty about something.

"Well, I need to go back to my pack and see if the alpha will allow me to live off-territory," She said looking down.

"Which we know won't happen." Kevin chimed in. "What's wrong with leaving the pack and living here with me? You want to live here anyway-"

"But I don't want to leave my pack and become a rogue, Kevin," Ariana raised her voice, standing up. "We've been over this, I just need to talk with my alpha." She left the room and Kevin chased after her.

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