Chapter 13

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The ride was long and the journey was safe, this time anyway. We all took turns driving, making only a few pit stops along the way. The east side is a lot colder than the hot west. There was snow on the ground, but not a lot. I've come to realize I have never traveled so far before. It's tiring and very nervewracking. 

Kevin called me a few times just to check in to make sure we were all still okay which I was grateful for. Everyone was safe and Elias was in my vehicle this time. Occasionally, I'd feel him staring at me but made no attempt to look at him. I still don't know what is going on between us. We have moments but that's it. I still want time, though I know he doesn't. I can feel that he doesn't but I have a goal to focus on, as does he now. We can't get distracted with one another, it'll jeopardize everyone. So I continue to ignore his stare, his emotions, and my own feelings. I decided to look straight ahead, into the woods where I know Alec and his mate wait for us.

I haven't seen them since the day I was freed, that was three years ago. In that time they've built a relationship with a pack that was once their enemy so who knows what else they've been up to. Though I did trust them, now that I know more, I'm not so sure.

"And here we are." Amaya parked the car, the other one parking right next to us just like last time. 

The wolves all stood outside, waiting for us. Just like Amell, Alec had a very large home beautiful on the outside, no doubt just as beautiful within. I can tell my people were more at ease being here. I know that they harbor a few aeteri and have a lot of history with our kind, seeing how their luna is an aeteri herself. It isn't like at Graelind where everyone was stiff, watching us like hawks. They were all relaxed, comfortable but still guarded as they should be whenever any visitors arrive.

There were both wolves and people around, to watch the scene unfold. I wasn't exactly sure what I was expecting. I kind of had this notion that since the eversor lived here, there would be a type of strict serenity, stoic vibes perhaps. I expected order, I expected her and Alec to have a system of organization but it wasn't like that at all.

Before I knew it, a dark head of curls flew out the door of the house, the child giggling looking behind her every few seconds to see if she was being chased. They both emerged at the same time, Alec and Rowan.

They were so at ease, so. . . happy. It took a minute to comprehend everything, but it seemed to hit all at once.

"Mommy, daddy come get me!" 

Neither I or my team was expecting that one. It wasn't long before a smaller child emerged, walking on clumsy feet, rubbing her eyes and reaching up for Rowan who picked the toddler up holding her close.

No one on my team other than me has met the eversor before, they've all only ever heard stories or rumors, none of which included kids. The older one looks to be at least four, meaning she was already born when I was freed and they never mentioned her once. Granted, we only spent a few hours together after they freed me.

"Is that her?" Erin asked excitedly. She has never been in captivity by an institute but regardless, she has always wanted to meet Rowan, they all have.

"Yes." I chuckled.

The older child ended up running back to her parents who waited patiently for her to settle before greeting us.

"Athena," Alec stepped forward and I wasted no time in shaking his hand, "it's been a long time." 

"It has." I agreed, looking over at Rowan, who obviously couldn't shake any hands since her younger daughter was in her arms. "Hello, Rowan." 

"How have you been Athena?" She smiled. She is so nice and soft-spoken. If I didn't know who she was, I'd think she was shy and innocent.

"I'm good." I waited a minute or two before speaking. "I take it you know why I'm here?"

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