Chapter 11

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"So when do we leave for the Ethereal pack?"

We were in the car, on our way home at last. We were only gone for a few days but in that time so much has happened and it made me antsy to get back to see how everyone is doing. Nothing was scheduled to make anyone need to leave the facility, so I hoped they followed my instructions not to step outdoors until I returned.

"Honestly, as soon as possible. I need to review our financials and make sure everything is up to par before we leave again. Also, I need to contact the alpha and let him know." I say from the passenger seat, staring out the window of the car.

"Are we all coming with you again?"

I turned to face Carter who was watching me from the back, hope evident in his eyes. "Why wouldn't you?"

He smiled, "I don't know. I thought you'd want to change your team or something."

"Well, anyone who wants to stay can. I'm not forcing anyone to come. You should talk to Amaya and see what she thinks about it. I'm sure she's dying for you to return and tell her all about your wolf experience." I smirked, making him nod.

"We've been texting, she seemed like she wanted to come but if you need me to stay on the team-"

"You are both equally intelligent and bring what's needed for these types of missions. It's up to you." I tell him.

"I'm actually a little bummed we didn't get to use any of the tech I made." He pouted.

I shrugged, "We will eventually."

I tried not to be so cold and distracted, but I am. Elias is in the other car which is following ours, but I can't even see it behind us anymore. I know they'll be alright, I just can't help worrying that RA's will pop out and do something. This whole island thing has me spooked more than I care to admit.

"They'll be alright." Kevin turned away from the road to look at me.

"I know they will, it's Elias that concerns me."


"He's still the same sweet, caring guy but. . ."

"But what?" Kevin pressed, his tone getting a bit more serious.

"I don't know what they did to him. He gets nightmares, dazes into space and he won't talk to me about it. I don't want us to have secrets. We lost so much time and now that we are together again, I feel like there is this wall between us and I don't know how to knock it down." I sigh, rubbing my temples.

"It'll take time Athena. He's in a fragile state right now, having been with the RA's for so long. He's still healing physically and mentally, be patient."

I appreciate Kevin's advice, but he doesn't have to worry about this. He has a werewolf mate that isn't subjected to illness or injury. Elias is different, he's human. He gets sick, he breaks bones easier, he heals a lot slower than us. I just don't want to see him hurt, but I know it's inevitable. At some point in time, human factors will play a part and I have to be ready. I want him to know he can rely on me and that I will be there for him whenever he may need me but it's hard, especially since he won't talk to me.

We arrived home around nine at night and when we all entered the facility, Erin was front and center with a big smile on her face waiting for us, the rest of our people behind her.

Elias and I stood side by side, his face one of shock. He knew what this place once was, he hasn't stepped foot inside for years and now that he has, it's a lot different than what it used to be. It's large and decorated like a home with children's paintings on the walls and a few toys and accessories scattered around here and there.

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