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©All Rights Reserved for 'Athena.' The storyline and contents inside this story are ALL my own original thoughts and works that came from nothing other than my very own imagination. Please do not copy! Thank you all for reading! 


At first, when I heard the whispers, I didn't believe it. I didn't want to believe it, but word was spreading fast and people were preparing for the inevitable. Some, like myself, kept training and others stopped altogether, but I wasn't going to fall for it. This had to be some kind of trial, some trick to test our loyalty and devotion, but the second she burst through the door I knew the rumors were true.

She truly did defeat the director and there she was, right there, her hands aflame with a very large and intimidating looking man by her side. She was everything the whispers talked about. She was strong, fierce and of course, beautiful.

The Eversor.

Any and all subjects either anticipated or dreaded a fight against this woman. She was the one to beat, the one to strive to be like. Trainers and mentors spent years trying to obtain her training routine from her institute to no avail. The director had forbid it. I can't even express how the other subjects felt about the director putting all his time, energy and money into her. She was his favorite, we all knew, which is why she was the last person we would have expected to escape and lead our kind to freedom.

It all felt like a dream. She spoke, but I could barely listen. She mentioned memories and injections, fights and freedom. I got the gist of it, I still couldn't wrap my head around it though. All of that time, for nothing, fighting to survive and now we simply just, survive. Once my lost memories came back to me, I thought they would be wonderful, alluring even. What I remembered though, wasn't like that at all. I recalled the last time I was in the real world, I was ten and there wasn't much I remember about it even with my system clear of any serums to alter my mentality.

One day I could clearly remember better than all the rest is the day I was taken. My mother had no idea of what I was nor did I, meaning my absent father was certainly the culprit of my genetics. When it happened, my mother freaked out. She was screaming and telling me to stay back, saying I was cursed, a demon and that's what I felt like. I was so disgusted with myself, I didn't know what else to do but run. I only meant to leave for a short while to let her cool off and figure out what I was and why something so terrifying had happened to me but that's when he arrived. . .


My captor, my mentor, Elias, wasn't like most. When he took me, I could tell he didn't want to. Over the years, I've known mentors to be harsh and at times, brutal, but not Elias. For a long time, he wasn't only my mentor but also an educator that taught me of morals and values, of what life should be and often, he compared me to the Greek goddess of war and wisdom.

He knew what I could do, and he also knew that I hated myself for it. I used to hate my ability, my curse, I referred to it as but after every fight, I felt my power grow and my confidence with it. That feeling is like no other, the feeling of true dominance over someone's life without even having to move a single muscle.

All the time Elias would tell me, 'There is a war inside you that is beautifully controlled.' I never knew what he meant by it, but he would usually say those words to me before a fight, or when he left for the evening and it made me feel good about who I was, what I was.

Elias was gentle, kind, and day after day he made me want to live and keep fighting. For years, he was my guide and I grew closer to him as time went by. . .

My mistake.

I should have seen the signs, I should have read into it better. I knew there could never be anything more with us. He was my mentor and I was some freak kid with an inappropriate attachment to him. I was sixteen when he was taken from me, transferred to a different institute to further his training with different subjects and just like that, I didn't feel so powerful anymore. After Elias left, I was just another subject fighting to survive with nothing to look forward to. I had no motivation, no will. I was just living life in a daze, until today.

I hadn't noticed when everyone left. I was too caught up in my head, my past. She was now right in front of me, the Eversor. I looked up into her eyes and she tilted her head at me like she was trying to read me, but she didn't have to, after all, she was once in my shoes.

"Aren't you going to leave?" She asked.

They were all gone. It only took a few minutes and just like that, they didn't hesitate.

"Leave?" I questioned. Sure I can leave, but where? Where do I go? I don't have any family, none that would be happy with my return anyway. I don't have any friends, all I have is myself and my ability.

"Yes." She answered. Patiently, she waited. The man with her waited. The men that stood behind them waited, and I stayed put.

I have nothing for me out there, so why leave?

"No," I tell her. She was surprised and didn't talk for a long time, but after a few minutes a smile took over her features. The man beside her interlaced his hand with hers and the gesture made my stomach clench in pain and longing.

I took a look around, making up my mind. I'm not leaving. I don't know why I have to stay, all I know is that I'm not going anywhere. Besides, it's not like I'm being held captive anymore. I have a choice now, I decided for myself and I choose to be here. I need to stay because I have an idea of what I want to do here and it won't get done if I leave.

"If you don't want to leave, that is your call, but know that now, you live the life you want to." She said to me. "I just thought you would want to be free."

Although I am in the same place, that doesn't change anything. "I am free. . .," My voice trailed off but she quickly spoke up.

"Rowan." I nodded and she gave me a look, I didn't know what it meant, but I took it as a sign of understanding, of respect. "What's your name?" She asked.

My name. I know my name, but it was given to me by someone who never gave me a chance to explore the gift I was given. Now is my opportunity to identify myself, to be someone new. I felt my lips pull upwards and everyone waited for my response. No longer am I just some subject who fights to survive, but a free woman who leads her own life.

I chose my name quickly, reminiscent memories tied to every letter but regardless, finally, I introduced myself.

"I am Athena."


Welcome back readers!! Another Aeteri story for you that will have you emotionally all over the place!

I mentioned in the story description that if you are going to read this book, you should read 'The Alpha's Eversor' first, though it's not necessary since within this story, there will be proper explanations as to what's going on so you are not completely lost.

Updates will be every Wednesday starting November 27th, 2019:):):)

Tell me what you think of the prologue! Stay tuned, keep reading and enjoy:):):)

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