Invititations (2)

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Scotts POV

As soon as I had finished making the list of people to invite I called Mitch.

"Hey, babe, I made the list I JSUT want to clearing with you.." I said into my phone.

"Ew, you sound all business man like.." Mitch replied. "Okay, text me the list"

I smiled and hung up. I immediately texted him the long list of people. Mitch texted back with a '😃😙' set of emojis and a 'thanks babe! I will get you a treat'. I smiled at that because, Mitch using the word 'treat' makes me tingly. I sent him a reply of '😳🙈'. I could tell Mitch had probably stopped listening to Kirstie and instead had zoned out. I emailed the list to Esther and then called her.

"Hey, I finished that list!" I said into my phone.

"Great! How do you think you want the invites to look?" Esther asked, sounding completely over joyed.

"I want a classy look and DEFINATELY silver writing, possibly cursive." I said.

"Yeah, okay. I can see that. I will surprise you!" Esther said. Before I could say thank you she hung up. I laughed. I heard Mitch shut Kirstie's car door and I quickly stood up. I exited out of all the pages for wedding things and slammed my laptop shut. I ran into our room and shut the door and hid. Mitch opened the front door and I almost started giggling.

"Scotty!!" Mitch called out. I covered my mouth and kept hiding behind the door. Mitch walked into the bedroom and called my name again. "Scott?!" He called. I jumped out and shut the door. I lifted him up and gave him a kiss. I was holding him bridal style. He giggled and squealed. When I dropped him in the bed he sat up. He grabbed my hand and pulled me down into the bed with him. He leaned back and whispered in my ear.

"I got you Starbucks..." Mitch whispered. I almost squeeled. I jumped up quickly and ran into the kitchen. Mitch followed after and wrapped his arms around my waist. "How was your day, FIANCÉ" Mitch said. I shivered. It made me feel happy when he called me fiancé.

"Good, Esther is working on a sample invite to show us!" I replied grabbing my Starbucks and turned around. I kissed his forehead and he blushed. "How was yours" I asked, as I walked into the living room. I sat my coffee down on the table and turned on the TV. I snuggled up on the sofa and Mitch cuddled up text to me. He squished himself as close as possible.

"Great! I am in LOVE with our wedding spot" Mitch said. I put my arm around him and he struggled to move even closer.

"You are really cuddly today, huh?" I stated. Mitch smiled and blushed.

"Yeah, I am just so happy that I am getting married to YOU at THAT spot in just a few MONTHS!" Mitch replied. He sounded so overjoyed, it made me so happy. Next thing you know, we would have kids.

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