Sick (Part 2)

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Scott's POV

Mitch has slowly but surely been getting better and it makes me happy to see him feeling okay. He still had to take meds for about another week or so before he will be completely better.

"Scotty!" Mitch yelled, his voice cracking into a really high pitched squeal. I walked in with a water bottle for him.

"Yeah?" I asked. Mitch smiled and took the water bottle.

"Can I have a cough drop?" He asked. I nodded and went into the bathroom to get some out of the small dish in our cabinet. I handed him about four so that he would have extra, just in case. Mitch smiled and sipped from the water bottle. He kept drifting in and out of sleep so I curled up next to him. I figured that since he just took pills he would be tired. So, I let him sleep. I wrapped my arms around him and pulled him close. He felt clammy and his feet were extremely cold.

"Babe do you have on socks!?" I asked.
He shook his head no.

"Nuh uh" He said. I got up and got a pair of socks that were not to thick. I didn't want him to get extremely hot. I pull the covers down and off of his feet and tried to put the socks on him. "That tickles! Stop!" He kept giggling and moving his feet. I had finally gotten the socks on though. I lay back down beside him and pulled the covers back over us. He fell asleep in my arms and I admired hi beautiful features. He was even gorgeous when he was sick. Sadly, after about an hour, Mitch's alarm went off, alerting me to give him his pills again. Mitch groaned and tried to hit the alarm. I reached over him, pressing our bodies together. Mitch moaned and I tried to act like I didn't hear it. Mitch was sick and I didn't want him to get any worse when he was just getting better. I gave him his pills and then ordered Chinese food for dinner. Mitch was starting to feel good enough to walk around and eat more. So he came into the kitchen and ate dinner with me. I smiled at him.

"You feeling better?" I asked. Mitch nodded and grabbed a half melted bottle of frozen water form the freezer. After dinner we snuggled up on the couch and watched a bunch of old timey movies like an old married couple. It was the cutest thing ever, and I never wanted it to end.

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