Set Up

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Scott's POV

After Mitch and I had gotten ready we had went back to the meeting room, in which we talked about how the stage set up would go. Mitch seemed nervous. I am not sure why but, he was. He was squeezing my hand gently and never said a word during the meeting. The meeting was over quickly and Mitch had stood up in a rush. "Mitch! What's up, you seem...on edge?" I asked him grabbing at his hand.

"I'm fine, it's-it's nothing." Mitch said, avoiding eye contact completely. He was about to cry and I could tell. He didn't like to be seen crying around people except maybe me and his mom. Then it hit me. His mom! His mom was going to be at the performance tonight. Was he scared about her, or was her just excited.

"Mitch, is it-is it your mom?" I asked slowly and quietly. He nodded and sniffled, trying as hard as he could not to let the tears in his eyes roll down is cheeks.

"She-She said she had news for me, and-and, I don't know if she is hurt or not, what is something is wrong! I haven't seen her in ages Scott!" Mitch said between short breaths. I turned him around and held both of his hands in mine.

"Mitch, I promise she is probably find! Your momis super responsible and helthy, and if it was really bad news she wouldn't have kept you waiting at all, I am sure you are just over reacting" I said trying to convince him that she would be fine.

"Promise?" He said wiping away a single tear. I nodded and wrapped my pinky aorund his.

"Pinky Promise" I said witha giggle, we both laughed at my silly act and I got up. Mitch's phone rang. Mitch smiled down at his phone. H elooked at me.

"You're right Scott! She wouldn't leave me hanging" Mitch said as he answered the phone. His conversation went on and on for about half an hour before he finally hung up. He smiled at me. "It is good news, she said, she said that I would be happy to here it, but she won't tell me until after the show" Mitch said with a large girn that seemed a mile wide. The rest of the day until the concert Mitch had been happy. I knocked on his dressing room door at around 6:00. Which was probably 2 hours until the concert would start.

"Come in!" Mitch said as I walked in. He was leaning close in the mirror to fix his hair. I cma eup behind him and wrapped my hands around his waist. He looked gorgeous.

"You look amazing, babe" I said quietly. He tilted his head back enough to look at me slightly. He smiled.

"Your adorable" Mitch said with giggle and then turned around. He stood on his tip toes and whispered into my ear. "Not right now though, I just got ready" He said before leaning back and giggling, causing friction.

"Umf" I mumbled at the sweet sensation of his body on mine. I slipped my hands into his back pockets and cupped his butt in my hands. Mitch released a slight moan, but not loud enough for anyone to hear.

"Scotty! I can't. Maybe later.. beside we are going to a night club after the show" Mitch smirked . A knock on the door is what made us jump back from each other. After how weird we had been acting ALL day and Mitch acitng so flirtacious this morning, it wouldn't seem like a regular hang out if someone just walked into a room with my hands in his back pockets. Mitch darte dhis eyes around the room and pointed at the closet. I ran and hid behind the little wall like thing and shut the door. "Come in" Mitch said a sing-song voice. Esther walked in and looked around the room.

"Have you seen Scott? There are two girls who we bumped into at the hotel and they wanted to get a picture with all of us, sooo" She looked aorund the room. I gulped.

"Uhm, yeah! He is in the bathroom. He will probably be bakc in a second, don't make the girls leave though! He will probably only be a second." Mitch said with a smile. Esther nodded and walked out. I came from behind the closet door and walked out of the room with him to get a picture with the two girls. Once we were outside we started a small convo with the girls. THye were super happy to see us and were extremely kind.

"I am Harsha, this is my friend Nea" Harsha said. I smiled at the two girls and gave the a hug.

"It's nice to meet you guys!" Mitch said and hugged them as if they were his sisters, he did that kind of thign to a lot of fans. It touched my heart to see the fans tell me there life stories and how we helped them and then Mitch hugigng them and giving his heart and love to everyone no matter how annoyign the fan was. We all took a group picture with each girl and then left. They were going o be at the cocnert with there friend Ari, who's nickname hapened to be Avi! The two girls really mad emy day, but now I was left crious. Mitch's mom had good news for him and I wanted to know right then! We all piled onto to tour bus. It wa sabout a 30 minute drive so Mitch and I took a nap on the sofa and cuddled up together. It was probably one of the best days of my life. I was super duper extremely excited about the performsce to, so much was happening and I LOVE it!

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