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zelia's pov

a few weeks have have passed and me and draco have been in the room of requirement a lot. spending a few nights there and most days after classes. draco has stopped skipping classes because he now has my help and doesn't need to be stressing about it so much.

he is definitely more happier now! although i know he is terrified for what the future holds. i've been helping him get his grades back up and helping him catch up with what he has been missing.

my father hasn't made any show the past weeks either. no letters. no sign at all!

which only make me more scared.

i miss my mother a lot. i miss her sweet smile and the kindness that radiates of off her. my father was never good to her. she deserves so much better. she deserves happiness and love.

i want to know what she is doing. how she is. how her life is now. is she still at the manor. has anything bad happened to her?

"are you alright" i bear draco say from beside me in the library.

"yeah.... i'm just worried about my mother"

"still? i wish there was a way we could help but we can't! and you know it's too dangerous for you to go home!" draco said holding my hand.

"i know, i know. i just hope she's okay"

"me too" draco smiled

"how about we end our studies for today" he suggested

"good idea"

- - -

next day- friday
at dinner

"who's exited for the holidays" daphne beamed excitedly.

"definitely me! i can't wait to have two weeks off from this hell hold" blaise sighed

i kinda didn't answer daphne as i have no idea where i'm going to go for christmas. i can't go home for obvious reasons.

"what about you zelia" daphne asked me. i must have dozed off for a minute.

"oh.....um...yeah i'm exited" i said trying to sound enthusiastic.

"that didn't sound very sure" blaise said

"oh i'm" i said awkwardly not know what to say.

for some reasons years where forming in my eyes. i tried my hardest to ignore the pain in the back of my throat from trying to hold back my tears.

"ze?" draco questioned me worriedly.

"hmm" i said looking at him

"what's wrong" daphne asked

this christmas is going to be different. i mean me and my mum i my ever spent christmas together. my father was always in the background watching. but me and my mother loved getting ready for it. we'd match our pjs. make christmas tarts and cakes. prepare the roast dinner. buy each other silly gifts. go on walks in the snow and have snow ball fights.

i felt a tear fall down my cheek.

i won't ever have that again. i won't ever be able to spend christmas with my mother again if my father wants me dead...what kind of father wants their on child dead. a father is supposed to protect their daughter.

i felt more tears start to fall from my eyes. i looked up. everyone's eyes on me. draco was looking at me with a scared and worried look on his face.

i stood up from my seat

i wiped my eyes

and i walked out of the great hall.

my walk soon turned into a run.

i ran out of there with tears falling uncontrollably from my eyes. my vision was blurred from the puddled tears in my eyes. my chest felt heavy.

i felt like i couldn't breathe.

i collapsed on to the wall and fell to the floor..

before i landed on the floor i felt two arms grab me and i felt my body press against someone.

"woah woah....it's okay it's okay! why wrong?"
i head draco say from behind me.

"i have no home" i cried "i have no where to spend Christmas. my father wants me dead and and- i miss my mum"

i cried uncontrollably. sobbing into dracos chest as he stroked the back of my head. trying to comfort me.

"stay with me" he said

"with you?" i asked

"yes! at the manor me! you will be safe there and you'll be with me" he said

i felt my lips form into a smile as the tears slowly started to stop falling from my eyes.

"i love you" i said

"i love you too, ze"

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