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zelia's pov

i woke up from my bed, remembering what i had happened with draco last night. a smile grew on my lips thinking about it.

"what are you smiling at" daphne said lying on my bed having just gotten out the shower.

"nothing" i said with a straight face but my smile soon came back

"tell me! now!" she said rising her eyebrows

i sat up "wellllll. me and draco are a thing... as you know"

"a thing? as in boyfriend and girlfriend? yeah?" she asked

"well we haven't really said that yet....but yeah i guess"

"awww" she smiled and then quickly said "so tell me everything"

i told her everything from the train to last night and i told her how i feel. it felt amazing telling her. she was such a good listener. i felt like i could tell her anything.

"well as you confessed to me...kinda" she said knowing she already knew half of it, just not the details "i think it's time i confessed to you"

"what?" i looked at her with wide eyes.

"you see i have a special someone too." she blushed

"WHO?" i asked


"uhhh u don't know. give me a clew" i said

"he is in skytherin.....he is close to us......he is handsome"

"BLAISE! is it blaise" i shouted

she put her hand on my mouth "ssshhhh! he's probably down in the common room"

"sorry! but is it"

"yes" she laughed

i laughed with her "that's so cute"

"anyways! are you going to get out of bed already you woke up an hour after me! and that never happens! guessing draco tired you out last night" she said nudging me

"piss off" i laughed

"ooooo dracooo" she said getting up from the bed making weird dramatic gestures

i threw a pillow at her "piss. off"

after a few moments of play fighting we laid back on my bed frantically out of breath.

"it's Saturday and we are doing something! how about we go to hogsmade?" daphne suggested

"sure" i responded

"go get ready" she pushed me of off the bed

i stuck my finger up at her as i walked into the bathroom to get ready.

i took a nice warm shower, can't lie i was thinking about draco in the shower! can you blame me though. after last night i don't think i could ever stop thinking about him. i had planned to ask him about where he's been disappearing too but i guess that didn't work out to well. another time i kept telling my self.

i got out of the shower and wrapped a towel around my self. i used a charm to dry my hair. i slipped on a outfit...

 i slipped on a outfit

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